






(james mahu詹姆斯馬胡為造翼者資料的作者)


WingMakers Perspective: Question 2, Quote 1


by Sunette/Dimensions - Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:27 pm

作者: sunette/維度存有 – 2009/2/16 

Quote:“If you feel any of this, you may not be prepared to confront these realities.”


Desteni Perspective:


Understand that it’s not about being prepared or not.


We’ve found that, with regards to ‘preparation’ – everyone is waiting to be prepared, or waiting to be ready, waiting for themselves to prepared, waiting for themselves to be ready, from the perspective of defining/determining their ‘readiness’ in facing themselves, the truth of themselves, according to preparation itself.

我們發現到,關於「準備」 - 每一個人都在等待著準備好了,或是等待著準備完成,等待著他們自己準備好了,等待著他們自己準備完成。


Then within this, ‘preparation/being prepared’ becomes an excuse not to face self, or rather an excuse in the attempt not to face self, because one delude oneself with ‘preparation/being prepared’ within attempting to postpone/wait for as long as you keep accepting/allowing such an excuse – to face self. 

Believing that ‘time-itself’ as ‘sequential-outflow of events already manifested as consequences in reality to be faced by self’ – will ‘wait for you to decide when/whether you’ll be ready/prepared’.


因為人們使用「準備狀態/還在準備」來蒙蔽自己,持續接納並容許著這種藉口,試圖拖延與延後 – 面對自己。

相信著「時間本身」即「被自己面臨著的,已經在這個現實當中顯化出來,等同於後果的連續發生的事件」 - 將會「等待著你去決定何時或是能否 - 準備好/準備完成」

Understand that, reality, the physical, the manifested consequence as experiences already here or to play-out to be experienced as events already created for self to be faced as what each one’s done in deception and dishonesty towards self and others as self – will not and is not ‘waiting for you’ – reality, the physical as manifested consequential events/experiences already created is already manifesting to be experienced, already playing-out, in movement as sequential-outflows and you’ll inevitably come to the Point of facing you as it – whether prepared/not, whether ready or not.

要理解,現實,物質界,已經顯化的後果:「即已經在此處的體驗,或是即將發生並且將被體驗到的,已經為自身被創造出來要去面對的事件們。」「即每一個人在面向自己還有等同於自己的其他人時,在欺騙與不誠實當中所做的一切。」- 將不會並且沒有在「等待著你」- 現實,物質界,如同顯化的後果性的事件及體驗們,已經被創造出來了,是已經顯化並被體驗著,已經在發生當中,在於動態的連續性的後果事件(outflows)當中,而且你將會不可避免的走到一個必須面對你自己(*即你所創造的後果)的階段 – 無論準備好了沒,無論是否準備完成。

So, it’s not about being prepared or ready – but who you are/will be in the moment of facing yourself as the manifested consequence you created due to who you were, accepted and allowed in the Past.

所以,這(*重點)不是關於去做好準備或是準備完成 – 而是關於在你面對:「你自己,即你在過去經由被你接納並容許(*自己去成為的)所是者,所創造出的已經顯化的後果」時,在那一刻「你是誰」,或是你將要作為的人。

For example: When a car comes at you directly while driving – there’s no ‘time’ to prepare or excuse to use such as ‘I must first be prepared/ready to face this’ – you’re going to face the experience, whether prepared or not – the outcome of your experience within that situation is determined acc. to you, who you are in that moment of facing the situation – not because you were ready or not ready.

 So also with regards to, you facing consequence. 

Thus, it’s about who you are as you stand within/before yourself = thus, it’s not determined according to readiness or preparation – but who you are/decide to be in the moment, every moment here.

例如:當一輛汽車在駕駛時直接向您駛來時– 沒有「時間」來準備或使用諸如「我必須先做好準備才能面對這個」之類的藉口– 你將面對這種經歷,無論是否已經準備好 - 你在這種情況下的經歷的結果是取決於在面對這種情況的那一刻「你是誰」 - 而不是取決於你準備好了或沒有準備好。同樣的,無論如何你都將面臨後果。

因此,這是關於當你站在自己之內/面前時「你是誰」 = 因此,這(*後果)不是由準備狀態所主導 - 而是取決於在瞬間當中,在此處的每一刻當中「你是誰」「你決定作為誰」。 

So, you cannot ‘wait to be ready’, cannot wait for yourself to be prepared – because you as what you’ve created in and as the physical-reality as consequence that is you as your creation that you as creator created – is not waiting for you, and will not wait for you – it’ll be here as you to be faced.

所以,你不能“等待準備好”,不能等待自己做好準備 – 因為你在物質現實當中所創造並且等於這物質界的後果,是你作為創造者去創造出來的造物,

沒有正在等你,也不會等待你 - 它將會在這裡作為你,令你面對。


So, we suggest, instead of waiting within the excuse of first wanting to be Prepared, which is simply making the statement of waiting for yourself, that is here already and thus implying no self-trust – walk here in every moment of breath, self honestly – even within for example as you read through/go through this document in assisting and supporting you, to face you as you face the reactions that rise/manifest within you as thoughts, emotions and feelings and not accept/allow the mind to dictate/direct what you read, nor to dictate/direct you as you read – but to breathe and simply not accept/allow self to participate in thoughts/reactions – but simply hearing here unconditionally and see for yourself, yourself – which is not ‘pretty/beautiful’ – but must/will be faced inevitably to stop what we’ve done and become to ourselves and others and all else that exist as ourselves.

所以,我們建議,不要以要先做好準備為藉口進行等待,那只是單純的表明了是在等待自己,而自己早已經在這裡了,因此代表了自我信任的缺乏 - (*我們建議)在每一個呼吸的時刻走在這裡,自我誠實地 - 例如,即使在您閱讀/瀏覽本文件以幫助和支持您時,去面對你自己,去面對在你之內升起或顯化的那些思想、情緒與感覺,並且不要接納並容許心智去支配或主導你所閱讀的、還有支配或主導正在閱讀的你 – 而是去呼吸並且簡單的不去接納並容許自己參與在思維與反應當中 – 在此處無條件的傾聽並且為你自己去看清,你本身 – 那並不漂亮或美麗 – 最終無可避免的必須與將會被面對,以去停止我們所成為的、還有我們對「我們自己及其他存有,還有其他作為我們本身而存在的一切萬有」所做出的一切。

So, face you as you see/hear/read – face you as you walk in every moment here as breath – and realise: You determine you in every moment of breath – don’t be lost within the excuse of time as waiting for yourself to be prepared, waiting for yourself to be ready, as you’ll only prolong your own process.

所以,當你看/聽/閱讀時,面對你自己 - 作為呼吸在每一刻的這裡前行時,面對你自己 – 並且去覺察到:是「你」在每一個呼吸的時刻決定了「你」 - 不要迷失在時間藉口當中,等待著你自己做好準備,等待自己準備完成,因為那樣你只會延長自己的進程。

Yes – you can ‘prepare you effectively’ from the perspective of assisting and supporting you to ‘walk through and face’ the inevitable consequences of already-manifested accepted and allowed past-actions of dishonesty and deception towards you and others as you in thought, word and deed: 

沒錯 – 你是可以「有效的準備你自己」從如下的角度:協助與支援你去「走過與面對」已經顯化的無可避免的後果,其來自於,那被你在思、言、行為當中,接納並容許的,面向著你自己及等同你的其他人的,不誠實與欺騙的過去的行為,

But this is not ‘you waiting for yourself to be prepared’ from the perspective of using this ‘waiting to be prepared’ as an excuse in attempt to postpone/wait for the inevitable. 


This is you actively self-directing you in preparation as self-assistance and self-support as ‘who you are’ – therefore, it’s about ‘who you are’ and ‘preparation’ becomes an act of you assisting and supporting you directly = and not of ‘waiting’.

這是要你積極的自我主導你自己,在等同自我協助與自我支援,等同「你是誰」,的準備當中 -  因此,這是關於「你是誰」,而「準備」變成一種你直接的協助與支援你自己的行動 = 並且不屬於「等待」

Therefore also – realise, you always ‘confront yourself’ – you as all that which you’ve separated yourself from or created and manifested in separation of you as your creation: Will ‘confront you’ – so you can face you, amalgamate you with yourself – to within this amalgamation, stand one and equal with yourself as all that exist as you.

因此,也要覺察到,你一直都是在「面對著你自己的」 - 所有等同於你的,你將其與自己分離的,或是在與自己的分離當中所創造與顯化出來的,你的造物:將會「迫你面對」 - 所以你可以面對你自己,將你自己與自己融合 – 讓你與存在等同於你的一切萬有,站處於平等同一當中。


WingMakers Perspective: Question 2, Quote 2

對造翼者資料的看法:問題 2,引用 2

by Sunette/Dimensions - Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:31 pm

作者:Sunette/維度界存有們 - 2009 年 2 月 16 日


Quote James: 


“The Secret Framework for the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral”



Desteni Perspective: 


I understand why the ‘term’ ‘Secret Framework’, emphasis being on the word ‘Secret’, is utilized, however – I wouldn’t see it within a literal context of being ‘Secret’.

我理解為什麼使用“秘密框架”這個“術語”,強調了“秘密”這個詞。但是 -我是不會將“秘密”作為大背景看待它(*心智意識系統)。

Here James refer to ‘The Secret Framework for the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral’ as it being the Mind Consciousness System or as he (James) refers to it as, the Human Mind System.


The Mind has always been Obvious within its manifested existence within and as us – thoughts, reactions as emotions and feelings, pictures and memories as ‘objects and experiences’ existent within and as us within and as which we participate, though we’ve become and are the Mind to such an extent – we do not see ourselves, even as we exist as the Mind itself due to our level of acceptance of ourselves as it: We miss the Obvious, because it’s so obvious, almost ‘too obvious’ – to the extent where it’s missed.

在我們之內並作為我們的心智的顯化存在,始終是顯而易見的 - 思想、作為情緒和感受的反應、圖像和記憶,作為「對象和經驗」,存在於我們之內並等同於我們,我們參與在其之中並且等同於其。然而我們已經成為並且作為心智到了這樣的程度 - 我們看不到自己,即使是因為我們自己對於成為心智的接納程度致使了我們作為心智本身而存在:我們錯過了顯而易見的事物,因為它是如此的明顯,幾乎是“太明顯了”,到了它被忽略的程度。

Therefore, nothing of the Mind/Mind Consciousness System or of ourselves that we’ll be discussing as we continue, has/ever been a ‘Secret’ – it’s always been Here as ourselves as what and through which we exist.

因此,我們將繼續討論的心智/心智意識系統或我們自己的一切,從來都不是「秘密」- 它一直都在這裡作為我們,我們作為並且透過它而存在

But we’ve been oblivious to the obviousness of it all due to our Nature of always living/existing/projecting ourselves ‘out there’ in separation of ourselves according to what our eyes see there and our ears here FROM THERE – intertwined within knowledge and information we receive from there and the reflection of ourselves we interpret as the pictures we see with our human physical eyes from there, outside of ourselves that we’ve simply ‘accepted’ as is – without question.

但我們忽略了這一切的顯而易見性,因為我們的本性總是使我們自己活在/存在/被投射在“外在某處”,在與我們自己的分離中。拿取了我們的眼睛在外在某處看見的,及我們的耳朵在外在某處所聽見的 – 混合了我們從外在某處所接納到的知識與資訊,及我們自己本身的反照,那我們將之詮釋成了我們用人類身體的眼睛在外在某處、在我們之外所看見的圖像,其被我們簡單的按現況接納了 – 毫無質疑。


So, one of the Primary reasons why we’ve missed the obvious, is due to ‘blind acceptance’ and conditioning/defining ourselves to and as such acceptances, ‘that we accepted blindly’ – and within the conditioning/defining ourselves according to/as that which we accept blindly – we become/live the acceptances to such an extent, that we miss the obvious that is Here.

因此,我們錯過了顯而易見的事物的主要原因之一是由於「盲目接納」,和制約/定義了我們自己去作為如此的接納形式,即「我們盲目接納」 - 並且因著我們用被我們盲目接納的事物去制約/定義我們自己 - 我們成為/活出了那種接納形式,到了如此的一種程度,導致我們忽略了就在這裡的顯而易見的事物。

And this you will find for yourself as we continue, it actually, from a certain perspective, being so obvious and simple at the same time, that you’d wonder why you haven’t considered/questioned it before: Due to Acceptance and the allowance of trusting everything else but yourself in Common Sense self honesty here. Trusting the ‘acceptances’, trusting that which you’ve ‘blindly accepted’, trusting how you’ve defined yourself as such acceptances and trusting how you accordingly exist as those acceptances: Instead of trusting you here as self-honest common sense.



For example with thoughts: We’ve simply ‘blindly accepted’ ‘thoughts’ and within the acceptance of thoughts, we’ve conditioned and defined ourselves as thoughts, and within the conditioning and defining ourselves as thoughts, we’ve begun to trust the thoughts and within the trust placed in thoughts, become the thoughts and started actually living the thoughts as though it is ‘who we are’. And within this, we’ve become our thoughts to such an extent – that we have full-blown conversations with manifested thought-constructs of Mind within ourselves.

以思想為例:我們只是“盲目地接納”“思想”,在對於思想的接納當中,我們將自己制約和定義為思想,而在將自己制約和定義為思想的過程中,我們開始信任思想,並在對思想的信任中,成為了思想,並開始實際的作為思想活著,就好像它是「我們本是者」一樣。在這之中,我們化身成了思想,已經達到了這樣的程度 - 我們與自己內在心智當中顯化的思想結構進行了完整的對話。

Never questioning the Obvious:


If I am Here, communicating in/as expression of word as sound through and as my human physical body – why is there another Voice coming from inside Me?

如果我就在這裡,作為與透過我的人類身體以言詞表達來做溝通 – 那為什麼會有另一個聲音從我內在傳來?

Who or what is talking to me?


Why am I talking to myself or speaking to myself in thoughts, reasoning with myself in my head?


Why are there pictures coming up inside my head – when the Physical is right here as that which I see with my Human Physical Eyes.

為什麼我的腦海裡會出現一些畫面 - 當物質界就在這裡,就如我用人類肉眼看到的那樣。

Why are memories perpetuating itself inside my head – when the past is done, and I am Here?

為什麼記憶會在我的腦海中存儲 - 當過去已然了結,且我是處在當下?

See: The acceptance of thought is so accepted, that it’s become ‘normal’, the acceptance of thought being normal has become so much part of self, as self = that it’s not questioned, from the perspective of: If I’m here – who/what’s the Voice in My Head, why is there a Voice in my Head?

看:對思想之接納的程度是如此之高了,以至於它成了“常態”,對於思維是常態的這種接納已經如此的成為自己的一部分,作為了自己 = 使其不會受到質疑,從以下的這種角度:如果我就在這裡 –那我腦子裡的聲音是誰/是什麼,為什麼我腦子裡有個聲音?

In this, Trust has been manifested within that which we’ve blindly accepted, such as for example thoughts as separate manifested ‘objects’ in our head with which we have conversations and actually trust to make decisions for us = instead of living self-trust, instead of living Here in the moment in absolute directive principled expression – trusting self-common sense insight and perspective = and because we haven’t lived – the Obvious is Missed.

在這一點上,信任已經被顯化在我們盲目接納的事物中,例如,思想如同那我們頭腦內顯現的分離的“對象”,我們與之對話並實際上信任它替我們做出決定 = 而沒有活在自我信任當中,而沒有活在絕對的主導原則表現中,活在此處的瞬間 - 信任自身的普同常識的洞察和觀點 = 並且因為我們還沒有活出那些 - 顯而易見的事物就被錯失了。


Bernard Perspective (1)Wed May 13, 2009 6:48 pm

伯納德的看法(1)2009 年 5 月 13 日

Wingmakers indicate a events context we found that confirm certain points within the history of our existence


we will do videos


wingmakers could not have known about Desteni--and did the best they could with what they had-- but did so as a group in isolation -- not aware of what was actually going on

造翼者在過去不可能知道desteni - 並且用他們所擁有的盡了最大的努力 - 但是是作為一個孤立的團體去做的 - 不知道實際上發生了什麼

Bernard Perspective (2) Wed May 13, 2009 10:09 pm

伯納德的看法(2)2009 年 5 月 13 日

Like I said


we will share what we found


we have discussed this with the beings that call themselves the wingmakers


some are incarnated 


some are in the dimensional process


they were om there own mission to try and counter Anu and those in multi structures with Anu


they were beings that escaped the enslavement of existence==as we indicated --there were beings that escaped

他們是逃離了存在界之奴役的存有們 = 正如我們曾指出的 - 有些存有體逃脫了


we are not interested in any point that do not immediately include all points here-- no philosophy--no future -- no past


we will share what happened as a matter of explaining that nothing is a secret or special


and then stick to the basics that is the unification principle that transcend all ego through self directive application


self forgiveness to take unconditional responsibility at the individual level for all that ever happened in all ways by all beings



this place each equal to what is here


in this self honesty is applied to stop all desire/for either greatness or revenge or any related point --to stop what has been allowed in the name of separation and spitefulness

在這之中,自我誠實被應用於停止所有的欲求:無論是追求偉大或復仇或任何相關的點 – 以停止在分離與惡意的名下被允許的事情

in this--common sense is applied to find practical ways of co-existence within a limited consciousness field that was necessary as we as beings are primarily based in spitefulness and self interest


once this is transcended-- co-creation--as life equal here will be self expression -- and thus all polarity--self interest will not exist as it is not who we are

一旦這一點被超越了 - 共同創造 - 等同於平等生命在此處,將成為自我表達 - 因此所有極性 - 自私自利將不再存在,因為它不是我們本是者

all that is currently here--is who we are --equal and one

目前在這裡的一切 - 就是我們本身 – 同等如一

we have not time to discuss the various merits of groups or beings that dedicated their lives to finding a solution-- their dedication is their own reward in self honesty --some we will discuss--one of this is wingmakers


those with self interest in wingmakers will react to what we say


each one at death are afforded a moment to investigate and check what we have done thus far --to see for themselves that all was done in equality and oneness as life here eternal


this point was inevitable


suggest--this self realization be considered --and lets get one with what is relevant here as life


this will ask nothing more than a re-evaluation of everything in simplicity


this happens at death anyway--why wait?




Postby Bernard Poolman » Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:58 pm

Bernard Poolman張貼於2009/02/18

A few pointers


one of the wingmakers integrated into "James" -- this is all linked to 1998-- as the wingmakers intent was to stop Anu --they had to wait till the system closed in 1998 to be able to present their message



this integration is similar to a walk-in and was part of the design of the soul construct using agreements


unfortunately we also found wingmakers that did similar integrations into humans on earth to plan their take-over so to speak -- note that the animals and plants and all other manifested form as life were not considered within the plans of the wingmakers


their is though some points that can assist effectively








[聊天記錄翻譯] 輪迴轉世與靈魂




[19:51] Topic changed: Reincarnation and the soul --Sunette will have the floor


[19:59] <●Sunette> Reincarnation and the Soul


[19:59] <●Sunette> Before earth existed . beings existed throughout the universe, very much similarly to how we exist on earth now. They were born, not necessarily through a woman and they died. It was like coming from a planet and then returning to a planet upon death. Therefore, the nature-design of a being was related to the planets/stars.

<●Sunette>: 在地球存在以前,存有們遍佈整個宇宙,非常像我們如今在地球上的存在方式。他們會出生(但不必通過女人),他們也死亡。他們就好像從行星中來,然後在死亡時又回到行星中去。因此一個存有的本質設計樣式是與行星/星球有關的。

[20:00] <●Sunette> When it was discovered that Earth as Sound represented a perspective through which eternal life could be designed .the idea of the soul was conceived and was marketed and sold to all the beings in the Universe.


[20:00] <●Sunette> The point was, that ensoulment of a Being would give them eternal-life. For that, the being had to become part of the planet Earth, or as it was called at the time: Atlantis; and then through a system  which is the Mind Consciousness System; they would design an energy-body with the energy-body being the energy of the planet captured in-time as a system.

<●Sunette> :當時(關於靈魂所推銷和兜售)的要點是,將靈魂賦予一個存有會給他們永恆生命。為此,這個存有必須得成為行星地球(那時地球被稱為亞特蘭蒂斯)的一部分,然後通過一個系統(也就是心智意識系統),他們會設計出一個能量身體,這個能量身體是由此行星的能量被捕獲於時間中而產生的一個系統。

[20:01] <●Sunette> (All - if you have any questions as you read - Ask, and we'll discuss)


[20:01] <●Sunette> This was a chieved through the capturing of images and relationships as memories and when a being has captured sufficient memories within the agreed context of what souls would be allowed to form part of the future ternal realm called heaven: a being would become ensouled by being recognized as a soul by the hierarchy that set themselves up as command and control of the process of eternal-life.


[20:01] <●Sunette> Now, here it is important to remember or realise, the context of consciousness as it relates to memory, where memory is seen as giving values Which is then linked to either good or bad.


[20:02] <●Sunette> Those that were good, thus loyal to the hierarchy which later-on became known asThe Light/God, would be allowed to form part of the Family of Light, which was given the name of Life and be allowed to live eternally in Heaven in the company of God/The Light. To make sure that those allowed into heaven were Loyal a process of tests were designed which became known as reincarnation.


[20:02] <●Sunette> So - up to here,thus far - we have got the process of the creation of Reincarnation


[20:03] <●Sunette> Your lives on earth as a 'test' to your loyalty/servancy to God/White Light to'deserve' your 'place in Heaven'


[20:03] <●Sunette> The evidence of the loyalty or disloyalty were stored in the Akashic Records to be used on Judgment-day where the decision would be made whether you would go to Heaven as a Soul or to Hell as a Demon/De-Souled being . Because the design of the Soul was based-on Energy  there was a Polarity that had to be directed.

<●Sunette> :是否忠誠的證據被保存在了阿卡西記錄中,被用於在審判日做出決定——你是作為一個靈魂進入天堂,還是作為一個惡靈/無靈魂的存有進入地獄。由於靈魂的設計是建立在能量的基礎上的,因此有兩極性必須得到導引。

[20:04] <▲Bernard Poolman1> you will find the idea/promise of eternal life or eternal damnation in most religiouns

<▲Bernard Poolman>:在大部分宗教中你都會發現對永恆生命或永恆懲罰的許諾/觀念。


[20:05] <●Sunette> Obviously, here -what beings didn't know/realise was the 'amount of lives' they'd have to walk on this earth to be 'judged' as loyal or disloyal -additionally, because they would not remember how many lives they'd already walked through and so - they could be 'enslaved' for as long as the hierarchies desires


[20:05] <●Sunette> Therefore  having demons were essential to the existence of the Soul to allow the negative energy to be consumed and not to accumulate and cause problems to the balance of eternal Life.



[20:05] <●Sunette> Therefore the positive energy were channelled to Heaven to create eternal life , and the negative energy was channelled to the demon-dimension to create ?Hell? so to speak. Both sides of the polarity were subject to a constant stream of energy.


[20:06] <●Sunette> So - here you have your Spirituality / Positivity - generating energy within the mind for Heaven

<●Sunette> :因此,靈修/正面是在心智之中為天堂生產能量。

[20:06] <AnnaBrixThomsen> Were beings then also prompted/pushed to become demons?



[20:06] <▲Bernard Poolman1> Loyalty had to be proven --thus no prompting other than to get to the real decision of the being

<▲Bernard Poolman>:忠誠必須被證明——因此,沒有推動,只有存有自己做出真正的決定。


 [20:07] <●Sunette> Anna - no, they were contained in the demon dimension, especially in the beginnings as some beings were seen as threats to the equilibirum of the vibration of heaven and so were trapped into memories/experiences to 'contain' them and left them in the 'lower planes' where demons were formed


 [20:08] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes--loyalty meaning to submit to god without question for eternity

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的——忠誠意味著順從神並且永遠不質疑。

[20:07] <AnnaBrixThomsen> What was the ratio? Did it have to be 50/50 to maintain balance?



[20:08] <●Sunette> Anna – no

<●Sunette> :Anna,沒有。


[20:08] <AnnaBrixThomsen> ok thanks

<AnnaBrixThomsen> :好的,謝謝。


 [20:09] <●Sunette> The ratio was maintained through the unified consciousness field that would callibrate the extent of positive and negative energy - and when the positive is low, they'd insert ways/means/events to lift the vibrations of minds in humans to generate positive energy – through spirtituality/religion/sex

<●Sunette> :比例是通過聯合意識場來維持的,聯合意識場會調校正面能量和負面能量的程度 —— 當正面能量低時,他們會植入一些方法/手段/事件來提升人類心智的振動用以生產正面能量 —— 通過靈修/宗教/交媾。


 [20:09] <▲Bernard Poolman1> once a demon --you were no longer part of reincarnation unless you stole a body

<▲Bernard Poolman>:一旦成了惡靈,你就不再是輪迴轉世的一部分了,除非你偷一個身體。


 [20:08] <MattiFreeman> the people in this chat - were we mostly loyal to heaven, or demons, or have we done it all?



 [20:09] <●Sunette> lol Matti - we've all been around the wheel of existence



 [20:08] <mikelammers> so it was either licking feet or fucking of and roam as a demon? As below so above?



[20:09] <KimKline> What determined the real decision of the being?



 [20:09] <Joana> was there a choice?



  [20:10] <▲Bernard Poolman1> hte choice was either loyalty to god regardless --or to reincarnte to see if you would become loyal or to be send to the demon dimensions

▲Bernard Poolman:當時的選擇是:你要無條件的忠於神,否則會被送入輪迴轉世以測試你是否能變得忠誠,或需要被送入惡靈維度。


[20:11] <▲Bernard Poolman1> free choice was to choose god

▲Bernard Poolman: 自由選擇在當時是選擇神。

[20:12] <RandyKrafft> so there wasn't'free' choice, then


[20:12] <●Sunette> No Randy


[20:12] <kim__A> wow so you'd re main a demon forever



  [20:13] <▲Bernard Poolman1>yes--eternal damnation kim

▲Bernard Poolman:Kim, 是的——永恆的懲罰


 [20:10] <RubenMoutinho> Is there a difference between positive and negative energy?



[20:11] <●Sunette> Ruben - yes and no- the substance of the energy was the same as created through the mind in polarity - but the nature of the energy differed, asnegative energy was more heavier/substantial and positive energy more airy-fairy


[20:12] <▲Bernard Poolman1> in a way the negative was the dark energy and the positive the light energy

<▲Bernard Poolman>:在一定意義上,負面能量是暗能量,而正面能量是光能量。


  [20:12] <●Sunette> Okay - let's continue:



  [20:12] <●Sunette> The being that would reincarnate would reincarnate within a chosen-test form at with little recall of previous-lives and once they die, the new life s memories would be stored in the Akaschic Records where it would be studied by the hierarchy to see if a being has proven their loyalty to God.


[20:13] <●Sunette> Thus, would they support and remain part of the system and never question the hierarchy. If a person / soul were found to be ready  they would ascend and be freed from the cycle of rebirth/tests and they would be allowed to choose a life-path which would either be service to the hierarchy in various forms, like ? being a guide, or being are searcher in the Akaschic Records or being the Pillar

eternal-society to keep the energy stable


[20:13] <AntonF> and which god was that sunettte, as there were zoo of them? 


[20:13] <●Sunette> AntonF - 'God' /'The White Light' / 'Anu'



[20:14] <●Sunette> For these purposes Families of Light were created, which would work together to establish a particular energy-dimension where a certain amount of beings that?s ensouled would be able to exist for eternity in a form of positive happiness and bliss, similarly to being on a form of drugs.



[20:15] <●Sunette> And, if one look at for example, drugs/alcohol - it give one that positive/heavenly experience - equal-to and one-with that heavenly-experience self as the soul desired and so addictions are created to energy/heaven/afterlife searching for the 'better life' as we're pre-programmed to yearn for 'that experience'



  [20:14] <Manuela> Sunette: how was the positive negative energy measured - through the unified field -but how?



[20:15] <●Sunette> Manuela - through a magnetic unified field encircling the world-unified field from which energy/frequency tests were done to assess the ratios


[20:18] <Manuela> Sunette is there a relation to this technology within what we experience as gravity?



[20:19] <●Sunette> Manuela – which technology?

<●Sunette> :Manuela,什麼科技?


[20:20] <Manuela> the technology of taking tests to understand the levels of frequency for calibration Sunette



 [20:22] <●Sunette> Manuela - it's not technology per say; the measurement was do n einter dimensionally/physically as the beings themselves/through the beings themselves that stood equal-to and one with the frequencies/energies and callibrations and could do the test through themselves



  [20:15] <▲Bernard Poolman1> in higher frequencies--the higher the frequency --the higher the heavens

<▲Bernard Poolman>:在更高的頻率中——頻率越高,天堂的層級越高。


  [20:15] <Carolyne_Schnidr> is frequancy same as enery?



[20:16] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes ---frequency/vibration is the rate with which the energy moves –the faster it moves--the more exitement --like a sugar high

<▲Bernard Poolman>:相同。頻率/振動是能量運動的速率,而能量運動越快,激勵就越強,就好像吃糖帶來的快感一樣。

[20:17] <●Sunette> Yes, though – there was 'frequency' in the dimensional existence different from the current understanding of frequency - which was a mix between energy and magnetics that created an extensive 'force/movement' and was often used to create fields around energy/to contain energy


[20:17] <kim__A> sunette - were these'heavenly blissful beings' aware that they were consuming the energy from earth - or did they have nice stories that cover up the truth?



 [20:18] <●Sunette> kim_A - some knew,others didn't - but was always believed that, that connection of energy was 'god' / 'white light' unifying/keeping in contact with its children / creation



[20:17] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the mind consciousness system was the factory with which the energy was produced through "natural" living

<▲Bernard Poolman>:心智意識系統是個工廠,能量由此透過“自然”的生活而被生產出來。


 [20:18] <▲Bernard Poolman1> energy of the mind is either feelings or emotions --feelings being higher and emotions being lower

▲Bernard Poolman::心智的能量是感覺或是情緒——感覺高一些,情緒低一些。



 [20:19] <Deedra_> so in heaven where there ever 'experiences of feelings or emotions'? 



 [20:19] <●Sunette> Deedra_ only feelings / positive energy as all of heaven was layered in to different vibrations of one pure/positive/good energy

[20:19] <●Sunette> All the bad stuff was kept down there by humans and demons


[20:21] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the way the heavens we layered where through frequency bands --like a magnetic layer that repel any one that is not of the particular frequency to make sure each one end up in the dimension they belong to or have achieved --this happened between lives while waiting for reincarnation

▲Bernard Poolman:過去天堂的分層是通過頻率帶實現的,就好像一個磁層一樣,它會排斥任何不屬於某個特定頻率的人,以確保每個人都處於他們所屬或達到的維度中 —— 這發生在每一世之間的等待投胎的階段

[20:21] <AnnaBrixThomsen> lol bad science fiction movies are molded in the image and likeness of reality



[20:22] <MattiFreeman> heaven was the highest budget movie ever

<MattiFreeman> :天堂是有史以來預算最高的電影了。


[20:22] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yesmattifreeman --it was all about the show--just like it is now on earth

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的,mattifreeman,全都只是一場秀而已,就像現在地球上的一樣。


[20:22] <●Sunette> Okay - let'smove on and recap for a moment:

<●Sunette> 好的,我們繼續,暫時先概括一下:


[20:23] <●Sunette> For the  purposes Families of Light were created, which would work together to establish a particular energy-dimension where a certain amount of beings that`s ensouled would be able to exist for eternity in a form of positive happiness and bliss, similarly to being on a form of drugs.


[20:23] <●Sunette> This state of high energy-vibration  would then be called Love. The nice thing about this ensoulment process was that, the energy were harvested but the memories were separated from the being at death, and therefore the being would not remember eventually what happened on earth 

as they would be  through the directed messages on earth ,focused on the ideal of eternal-life.



  [20:23] <▲Bernard Poolman1> all about controling the desires and hopes of the beings--to achieve eternal life

<▲Bernard Poolman>:這些全都是為了控制人們對達到永恆生命的欲望和希望。


 [20:23] <Carolyne_Schnidr> Is there a difference between mind created energy through emotions thoughts and feelings and energy like feng shui (wind water) and influence of stars to human beings?


[20:24] <●Sunette> Carolyne – nope ,same mind-energy, different :'experience/definition' - but same mind-energy generation



 [20:25] <▲Bernard Poolman1> carolyne --wind, water, fengshui, the starts were all symbolic influences that would stimulate particular programms to create specific types of energy to supply to specifc dimensions--there were many dimensions each requiring their particular energy in a steady flow--thus the control of the mind in relation to stimulus and production had to be very steady and that is why it is so difficult to break the control patterns

<▲Bernard Poolman>:carolyne,風、水、風水和星象以前都是符號式的影響,它們會啟動心智之中特定的程式,創造特定類型的能量,以供應給特定的維度空間,以前有許多維度空間,每一個都需要有穩定流動的特定能量——因此與刺激和產生能量相關的心智控制必須得非常穩定,這就是為什麼打破控制模式如此困難。

[20:25] <Antoaneta> kind of like a code you tuned into   Bernard?


[20:27] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes antoaneta

▲Bernard Poolman::是的,antoaneta

[20:23] <MayaH> Sunette: what is the families of light?


[20:25] <●Sunette> MayaH - Group Souls/ Groups of beings in Heaven creating/existing in their own heaven


[20:26] <MayaH> so that was after they ascended the reincarnation sunette?


[20:27] <●Sunette> MayaH – yes

<●Sunette>: MayaH,是的。

[20:24] <RandyKrafft> so is this where the family construct - as we know it - came into being - as aby-product of the ';families of light'?


[20:26] <●Sunette> RandyKrafft – no ,the concept of family came waaaayyyyy before that, already with all the races established in the dimensions before humans/earth


[20:26] <▲Bernard Poolman1> families of light were n beings of likeness --where like attratcts like –like the ultimate ego boost to meet more versions of yourself yet being uniqiue

<▲Bernard Poolman>:光之家族是一些相似的存有——物以類聚,人以群分——這就好像對臆構自我(ego)的終極推升,你遇見更多版本的你自己,然而還是保持獨特的。


  [20:27] <DavidDuncan> so we've always been about only chasing a high and wanting to be in a safe place ,only ever looking out for ourselves and following self-interest -not really ever considering the experience of anything or any one else no matter what the suffering - it's just self-interest ,self-interest, self-interest


[20:27] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes--it has always only been self interest --seeking eternal life

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的,一直都只是自私自利——尋求永恆生命


 [20:28] <AnnaBrixThomsen> Sunette, so no family of light while on earth or in between incarnations as described by Michael Newton?



[20:29] <●Sunette> No Anna - on earth you had group souls and family of light in the context of your family/relationships/religions/spirituality as group of definitions you belonged to - and no in-between with reincarnations, once you got out, you were immediately processed back into reincarnation when/as it was decided for you to return


[20:28] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the families of light described in the newton books were presented by the dimensions in the LIGHT they want you to see it

<▲Bernard Poolman>:在牛頓的書中所描述的光之家族,是由處於光之中的維度界呈現的,是他們(*造物者)想要你看到的。

(轉貼備註:可能是指 靈魂之旅 這本書)

[20:29] <●Sunette> Okay - let's continue with a recap:


[20:30] <●Sunette> This state of high energy-vibration  would then be called ?Love?. The nice thingabout this ensoulment process was that, the energy were harvested but the memories were separated from the being at death, and therefore the being would not remember eventually what happened on earth as they would be ? through the directed messages on earth,focused on the ideal of eternal-life.


[20:30] <●Sunette> And, the separation of reality and energy / physicality and energy / system and energy would already happen on earth through the creation of energetic consciousness, where the energy-body would be the soul that would go through a process of emotional/feeling purification to establish whether the soul s alignment would be heaven or hell.


[20:30] <●Sunette> And the memories would mostly be left in the physical-body with some of it , magnetically recorded to be stored for study in the Akashic Record.This stored life as memories is very similar to the storage of a movie on a DVD. All the physical technology that exist today, was first used as the technology of the soul.


[20:31] <●Sunette> lol - so, we literally externalized our evolution into machines



[20:31] <mikelammers> And the memories would mostly be left in the physical-body?



[20:32] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes mikelammers--thhe amount of memories created in every moment were too much for recording

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的,mikelammers,在每一刻產生的記憶的數量太多而無法記錄。


[20:32] <●Sunette> mikelammers - yes,only the memories that can be used that was imprinted enough with energy and the being's relationship towards the memories would be taken with the soul into the Akashic Records to be re-used for the programming of their next life / other lives


[20:32] <▲Bernard Poolman1> thus—it was contextualize to the essence of the relavant goal --which were energy production to keep heaven blissfull

<▲Bernard Poolman>:因此, — 以上是在脈落化(天堂的)重要目標的本質 — 也就是生產能量以維持天堂處於極樂狀態

[20:32] <Joana> what about the bodies? Or we are talking only energy-body as a vibration, before the human body was invented?



[20:33] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the human form did not exist before earth

▲Bernard Poolman:人類形態在地球存在以前不存在。


 [20:34] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the human form was designed as symbols and the attraction is preprogrammed--just like animals will respond to their form --the form is really irreleavnt in it all

<▲Bernard Poolman>:人類形態的設計等同符號,而吸引力是被預先編程的,就像動物會對它們的形態做出回應一樣——形態在這一切之中真的無關緊要。

[20:34] <●Sunette> Joana - 'energy body' is the 'body' that was created as the relationship between the being and the mind that create/manifest consciousness - self as an 'energy body/being' as 'what one exist as / become' with one's relationship with the mind



  [20:34] <Manuela> so what consituted'useful' memories Sunette - that would be selected for the akashic records?


[20:35] <●Sunette> Manuela – memories that can be used to re-programme events/experiences or enough energy to stimulate the mind and produce more energy for heaven


[20:35] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the whole energy/soul thing was similar to the capitalistic system --if you had the energy/momeny --you went to heaven

<▲Bernard Poolman>:整個能量/靈魂這套東西與資本主義制度非常相似——如果你有能量/金錢,你會去天堂。

[20:36] <●Sunette> Yes, so - if you worked hard enough through the mind and accumulate lots of energyfor heaven - you will be rewarded / if you work hard enough in the system and accumulate money for the banks - you will be rewarded


[20:36] <▲Bernard Poolman1> People that claim to see past lives only see very partly and it is always to serve self interest

<▲Bernard Poolman>:那些聲稱能看到前世的人只看到非常片面的一部分,而且那總是服務於個人利益。

[20:37] <▲Bernard Poolman1> there will be extensive interviews on this coming

▲Bernard Poolman::將會有大量的視頻訪談討論這些。

[20:38] <▲Bernard Poolman1> it is extensive to explain it all

▲Bernard Poolman::解釋這一切的量極大。

[20:36] <kim__A> so literally all the rich people from earth went to heaven?



[20:38] <●Sunette> kim_A - all the elite, like money system elite/world system elite came through from bloodlines and was always protected in heaven and on earth


[20:38] <●Sunette> Okay – Next points:


[20:38] <●Sunette> The idea that was sold, was that  if you remain loyal to the Light and God, you will achieve a form of equality through a life of bliss and love and light in heaven with your family of light.


[20:38] <●Sunette> To achieve this the information necessary to direct the Mind to for men souled-consciousness was channelled through forms of structured-knowledge like writing and the placement of specific-masters that would assist the human in their focused-attention, to focus the energy in creating a stable energy-body as there were many mansions/dimensions necessary to be filled, as there could not be just one dimension within the context polarity.


[20:39] <mikelammers> there were many mansions/dimensions necessary to be filled sounds like product ranges


[20:40] <▲Bernard Poolman1>yes--heavenly walmart to satisfy all desires --like in Islam theypromise the virgins

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的,天堂沃爾瑪超市滿足所有欲望——例如在伊斯蘭他們許諾處女。


 [20:40] <AntonF> yes b, 72 of them with eternal erection.



[20:44] <●Sunette> AntonF - no, in Heaven did not see anything like that - there were lots of sexualized heavens - but, not one like that or not a large one, if beings did create heavens of their religions, they would do it themselves and be trapped in there themselves - the largest heavens was God, with Angels


[20:40] <●Sunette> So - what the above paragraph entails is how, for example religions and spiritualities and the variations of that was placed in this world - to channel the beings' mind/focus to produce specific substances of energy /ensure a constant stream of energy creation as they are focused into/as one system


[20:41] <●Sunette> There would be many different approaches by masters that would create different formsor ideas of consciousness, one using yoga, one using meditation,one using Breatharian ideas, one using Islam, one using Christianity and then many variations of this.


[20:41] <Joana> Sunette, in many religious places there is always some kind of miracle - how is that connected with the energy?


[20:42] <▲Bernard Poolman1> Miracles focus the attention of the mind system to produce specific types of energy

<▲Bernard Poolman>:奇蹟將心智系統的注意力集中於生產特定類型的能量。


[20:42] <●Sunette> Joana - that we will explain in interviews to come


[20:41] <Manuela> Sunette - so attention was the main aspect and that was "produced" through specific activities


[20:42] <●Sunette> Manuela – energy was the main goal, and that was produced through channeling theirattention into/as particular specific 'activities' / 'religions' /'spiritualities' / 'life experiences' to ensure the being remainstable/constant into/towards a particular part of this reality to always produce energy


[20:43] <TimGormley> Sunette, would heaven have eventually ran out of energy producers if every one would have been placed in heaven or hell, or would they find newenergy producers in the universe?


[20:43] <▲Bernard Poolman1> tim—new beings were created constantly--there was a ready supply

<▲Bernard Poolman>:tim,新的存有們被持續不斷地創造出來,因此隨時都有供應。


[20:45] <●Sunette> TimGormley – yes ,earth was their primary production house, so - they obviouslty ensured that there's always sufficient beings on earth


[20:44] <Manuela> a ready supply  Bernard Poolman1 ?

<Manuela>:隨時供應? Bernard

[20:44] <▲Bernard Poolman1> yes—just like you think an idea into BEING

<▲Bernard Poolman>:是的,就像你通過思考將一個觀念帶入到存在中一樣。


[20:45] <Manuela> dang - though my ideas are always "revised" because the physical rules



[20:45] <▲Bernard Poolman1> revised ideas were sevaral BEINGS

<▲Bernard Poolman>:修正了的那些觀念是幾個不同的存在者/存有。

[20:45] <▲Bernard Poolman1> as the BEINGS group it becomes an antity and when you choose your idea –a possession

▲Bernard Poolman:隨著這些存有們結集成群,它成為一個實體,而如果你選擇你的觀念,就會導致受支配著魔。

[20:45] <MattiFreeman> so after the white light was removed, as a lightworker with fluctuating motivation, various spiritual paths opened up with different activities and opportunities, like a fresh approach that would support me in generating energy when I would start to lose motivation -- what continued to direct these?


[20:46] <●Sunette> MattiFreeman – you did, remember, everything was automated in the mind/physical world through the mind/consciousness and so your mind would also go into   defence/protection mode to protect/defend itself



 [20:46] <▲Bernard Poolman1> there were only one planet of sound LEFT

▲Bernard Poolman:源於聲的行星只剩下最後一個

[20:46] <▲Bernard Poolman1> the rest have been consumed by self interest

▲Bernard Poolman:其餘的已經被自私自利消耗殆盡了

[20:46] <AnnaBrixThomsen> earth


[20:46] <WeiWu> not all planets are of sound?



[20:47] <▲Bernard Poolman1> not in the same contex weiwu

<▲Bernard Poolman>:不是在同一個語境下說的,weiwu

[20:47] <●Sunette> Okay – next points:



[20:47] <●Sunette> There would be many different approaches by masters that would create different forms or ideas of consciousness, one using yoga, one usingmeditation, one using Breatharian ideas, one using Islam, one using Christianity and then many variations of this.


[20:47] <●Sunette> Through this forming groups that will eventually form part and parcel of the construction of an energy-dimension in heaven, where the Family of Light ? that means those that has similar image and likeness as soul-energy; would be together to experience a form of oneness and that that togetherness of oneness as a concentration of energy : would enhance the bliss and love experience as more and more of them get together.



 [20:48] <Manuela> so equality never existed anywhere as manifestiation of life ▲Bernard Poolman1 ?



 [20:48] <▲Bernard Poolman1> no manuela

▲Bernard Poolman::是沒有存在過,Manuela。


  [20:48] <●Sunette> As you can notice the planned-deception was near perfect and thus very difficult to see through.


[20:48] <●Sunette> For it all to work effectively, all the humans had to be convinced that the realm of earth/physicality is actually an illusion; while the realm of the soul is the true reality. This was achieved with extra-ordinary success. As the whole concept of the soul was only possible through focused self-interest with the objective to create, for oneself an eternal-body through which you could experience yourself in a high vibration forever.


[20:49] <●Sunette> Obviously all the souls missed one critical point: they did not realise that this eternal life? was not really eternal, it was subject to a constant stream of energy and therefore reincarnation had to continue for eternity or as long as a planet would survive or the energy would run out. You can see here, where consumerism came from ? long before it was established on earth and where the era of oil and energy came from.



[20:49] <●Sunette> How heaven consumed the energy of the physical - how we consume the energy of the earth

天堂如何消耗了物質世界的能量 — 等於 — 我們如何消耗地球的能量。


[20:50] <▲Bernard Poolman1> as above so below

▲Bernard Poolman:天上如此,地上也如此。

[20:50] <▲Bernard Poolman1> as below so above

▲Bernard Poolman:地上如此,天上也如此。

[20:50] <▲Bernard Poolman1> all the answers is on earth

▲Bernard Poolman:所有的答案都在地球上。

[20:51] <●Sunette> We'll be walking a Series on this as well that will be available soon






Dec 27, 2008  

Interview with Bernard and Sound through the Portal




Bernard: Ok, Bring Sound 


(Sound comes through the Portal)


Bernard:  Explain the Directive Principle, Equality and Oneness, Sound.


Sound: Well, ‘Sound’ is ‘Here’, always been ‘Here’.


You have ‘Sound’. I am not even going to describe it as ‘One Sound’ or ‘The Sound’, or anything like that - because, even in those words it would create a Point of Separation because it’s not even ‘One Sound’, it’s simply ‘Sound’, ‘that is Here’.


And, basically what’s happened is that, Sound, is what Each Expression that is Manifested within Existence, Really Is = Sound. Not ‘a frequency’, not ‘a vibration’, not ‘a singular’... ‘movement’ not… , not anything that is ‘Singular’.

基本上發生的事情是,「聲」,是存在界中顯化出來的每一個表達,真正所是的 =是「聲」。不是頻率,不是振動,不是「單一的」...「運動」。不是...不是任何「單一」的東西。

For example, Human Beings are ‘Singular’, because you’re a ‘Singular Being’ in a ‘Singular Human Body’ with a ‘Singular Mind’ = All the Layers of Separation.

例如,人類是「單一的」,因為你是一個「單一的存有」在一個「單一的人體」內與一個「單一的心智」在一起 = 全都是分離的層次。

So basically, everything that’s Manifested Here has been Separated from Itself, which is Sound. So, Each Part either Exist as ‘A Vibration’, or ‘A Sound’, or ‘A Movement’, or ‘A Body’, or... ‘A Manifestation’. Everything is ‘A’, ‘Singular’.


So, the Process is for Each Part, Each Manifestation, Each Expression of Existence, to from your ‘Singularity’ become ‘a Whole’ so to speak.


And that Process is, of going from ‘Singularity’ to ‘A Whole’: Is Standing One and Equal with Every Single Part of Existence = Which is Yourself.


It’s like, this Whole Existence, this Whole Reality, this Whole World… is Yourself that has been ‘Split’ into all those Different Forms or Parts and Manifestations and Expressions.


And, it’s like ‘You as Sound’ that ‘Split Yourself’ into ‘various different frequencies’, and ‘vibrations’ and ‘movements’, that Manifested as Each and Every Single, Individual, ‘Singular’ Expression or Manifestation.


Now you have to become ‘Sound’, ‘Whole‘ again - Here. And that is done through, as I have said, Amalgamating You with Every-Single-Part that is Manifested within Existence.

現在你必須再次成為「聲」,「完整的」 - 在這裡。正如我所說的,這是要經由將你與存在界中被顯化的每一個部分給融合起來才能達成的。

May sound easy, and from a certain perspective it is. It’s, it’s a, a Realization, that, ‘All that Exists is Me’.


Some will have such an ‘Instantaneous Realization’, others will go through a ‘little process’.


I suppose ‘the process’ will come, where beings will try and do it - through their Mind. That’s basically the Only Part where ‘Process’ exists.


Where Beings ‘try’ and do their process, through the mind. Forgetting Themselves completely, ‘Here’.


What the fuck? 


“I’m Here!” You know, it’s just as simple as that.


But the Mind’s an ‘Interesting Design Creation’ in Process - let’s say, because it can throw its ‘tweaks and curves’, ‘its hooks’, and see if you’re going to ‘fall hook line and sinker’ into the Mind or are you going to Recognize Yourself that is Here.


Bernard: Okay, just explain what happened to the Mind, how the Mind was ‘adjusted’.



Sound: Well, the Mind is Sound, meaning, the Mind is You, ‘Who you Really Are’, in Manifestation.


So, basically the Mind is You, that’ll ‘Test You’, to the Utmost Specific Degree - to See if You’re ‘Whole’, if you’re ‘Sound’, if You’re ‘Actually Standing One and Equal – Manifest ‘: that’s ‘the Mind’.


The ‘Mind is Sound’, the ‘Mind is You’, the Mind is ‘Who-You-Really-Are’ – ‘As a Whole’.


 ‘Who You Are’ - in Relation to the Mind, at this very moment:  is ‘You Believing Yourself to be Less than You’. Which is...’bizarre’.

在這當下,你所是者 - 在關聯到心智時:是「你相信你比你自己還渺小」,很詭異的。


Which is how we’ve always existed. Believing Ourselves to be Less than Ourselves, I mean how the fuck does that work.


Question: If ‘Ourselves is Here’, where is that ‘other self’, does that ‘other self’ really exist? That’s kind of where the Mind came in.


The Mind’s existing because You Believe that You’re Less than Yourself. And that ‘point’ of ‘You Believing that You’re Less than Yourself’ can be seen in Various Manifestations and Forms in Your Reality, in your Direct World where, You Believe You’re Less than Another Person. It’s fascinating because Each Human Being, think they are Less than the Other. Which is also ‘bizarre’.


Everyone Existing Actually in Inferiority towards Each Other which is… Why? There’s no ‘purpose’ or ‘reason’ in it.


It’s Fascinating. That’s just one example of how the point of ‘You Believing Yourself to be Less than Yourself’ has Manifested.

很有趣,這只是一個例子,說明 - 實體化的「你相信自己比自己渺小」之概念。

So, I’d say that is maybe ‘the one point’ to maybe sort out…, Believing or Perceiving Yourself to be Less than Yourself.


It’s the point that kind of ‘Stands in the Air’, it’s not even ‘Real’, it ‘Doesn’t Exist’. But Beings believe-it, and so in that, they’ve ‘Made it Real’. They’ve Actually Manifested it in the Formation of the Mind.


And… Let’s say Throughout Existence, what’s been ‘the Problem’, the point that’s ‘been missed’, was that ‘the Mind is Not the Enemy’. The Mind is ‘You’. The Mind has always Been Here, and I suppose that’s where… what’s his name, Buddha and...Mainly Buddha, I mean, if Buddha have just got that point ‘right’, he would have’s ‘so close’. He Entered that Point where he Experienced Silence, but, ‘the one point he missed’ was ‘Not Realizing that He Was that Silence’.


He still related that Silence to: ‘The Silence is my Mind’, ‘is My Consciousness’.


Then he went and gave it a ‘Definition’, a ‘Name’ = ‘Consciousness’, which… created then, in that ‘An Awareness of the Mind’. That’s how The Awareness of the Mind, The Consciousness of the Mind System was Created -- within Beings Believing the Mind to be an Entity that is ‘More than Yourself’ that can ‘Direct You’ or ‘Show You’ ‘where you must go’ or ‘how you must be’ or ‘what you must say’.

然後他去給它一個「定義」,一個「名字」 = 即「意識」,其...接著這創造了「一個對於心智的覺知」,這就是心智的覺知,心智系統的意識如何被創造出來的 -- 因著存有們相信心智是一個「比自己更廣大」的實體,是可以「指揮你」或「向你展示」「你必須去哪裡」或「你必須如何」或「你必須說什麼」的。

That’s why Beings at the moment ‘Trust their Mind’, because they believe their Mind is ‘a Consciousness’ is ‘a Higher Consciousness’ that is ‘more than’ them.


So, that’s ‘another point’ to deal with is...or have a look at it - is ‘Believing that Your Mind is a Consciousness, is An Entity that is ‘more than’ You that can ‘direct you’’, does that make sense?

所以,這是要被處理或是被查看的另一個點 - 是相信:你的心智是一個意識,是'比'你更高大所以就可以'指揮你'的一個實體。理解嗎?

The Mind - I’ll say it again, the ‘Mind is You’, it simply is. So, the key is to consider: ‘What it is that your Mind is ‘showing you’’, in moments.

心智 - 我再說一遍,「心智就是你」,很單純的它就是。所以,關鍵是要考慮:「你的心智在向你展示著什麼」在每一刻中

I mean, it’s not about ‘Standing Separate from Your Mind’, it’s not about ‘Judging your Mind’, it’s not about ‘Fearing your Mind’, because all that you’re doing is that you’re Judging and Fearing Yourself.


Your Mind is ‘You Showing You Back to Yourself’. Does that make sense?


So, it’s like, really, you know Enjoy Yourself with ‘What You are Showing You’.


And, to not take everything so ‘seriously’. Because you can make it serious for yourself, of course. The Mind isn’t making anything ‘Serious’: You Are.


You…and it’s not the Mind that is ‘creating’ - understand that - the Mind is Constant. The Mind is Sound. The Mind is Here.


You, in your Separation with Yourself as the Mind created the ‘Perceptual Reality’.


So it’s like... 所以就像...

Here’s You (holds up a lighter), here’s your Mind (holds up a cigarette). Like the Cigarette is the Mind and the Lighter is You. Now the Mind is in the thoughts, is showing you points, of You, so that You can Amalgamate Yourself with You again.


Does that make sense?


But now, if you Separate Yourself from your Mind (separating lighter and cigarette from each other) – that Point of Separation right there, is going to create a ‘friction’. That ‘friction’ creates for example your experiences of ‘Fear’ or ‘Anxiety’ and your ‘Emotions and Feelings’ basically.


So if you are ‘in friction with Yourself’,  you’re in a ‘friction with your Mind’, it’ll Manifest as Emotions and Feelings. That’s what Emotions and Feelings are.


You know “Uh oh, what of my Mind, what of Myself am I ‘Judging’, or ‘Denying’ or ‘Resisting’ ?”. Does that make sense?



So, Embrace the Mind, which is ‘Embrace Yourself’, and Walk in Every-Moment to Amalgamate You with Yourself again.


And the Mind will show you very specifically with ‘thoughts’, ‘pictures’, ‘images’ and shit like that -- Where You’re Not-Yet One and Equal with You. Does that make sense?


And that’s how it works.


Bernard: And that’s your Self-Honest points, where you ‘see’ what your doing and you don’t ‘stop’ = that’s Dishonest. Just Stop, that’s Self-Honesty.  ‘Cause, have a look, each one ‘see’, Exactly, what he or she is doing. There is no Denying that.

伯納德:這是你的自我誠實的點。你「看到了」你在做什麼,而你卻不「停止」= 這是不誠實的。停下來就是自我誠實的。因為,看一看,每個人都已'看到',實際上的,他或她正在做什麼,這是無法否認的。

Sound: So realize that ‘thoughts’ are not ‘Separate Manifestations’.


‘Thoughts are You’ – alright - So when ‘a thought comes up’, that thought IS you, that thought ‘Is You, as the Mind that is You, Showing You What you’re Accepting and Allowing’.


Let’s take An Example: A ‘thought comes u’p. Now I’m going to use thoughts that many people don’t talk about, and these are things that Really come up in Beings Minds.


These random, ‘very odd’, ‘bizarre thoughts’ such as… Beings imagining, a man walking by, in a brown trench coat with a brown hat, long beard. And all of a sudden, you just see yourself ‘Stabbing’ this person.


I mean, such thoughts come up in Many Beings. Actually, in All-Beings. Now, such thoughts will start occurring in Beings’ Minds - Why?

我的意思是,這樣的想法出現在許多人的腦海。事實上,所有的人都有。現在,這樣的想法將開始在人們的心智中出現 - 為什麼?

Because that has become the ‘Real, True Suppressed Nature of Man’. ‘Brutality’. ‘Vulgarness’. ‘Disgust’. ‘Anger’. ‘Fear’.


All those Words is what Humanity and Man has become due to… Each One, actually being so ‘Infuriorated’ (in fury) with Themselves, because, you know that You’re Separate from Yourself. You know that You Separated Yourself, from Yourself.


And for Eons of Time, Beings have attempted to Get-Back to Themselves, and it just hasn’t been ‘working’. And for Billions of Years, for Eons of Time this ‘Anger’ has ‘grown’ and ‘grown’. I call it ‘Fury’ – has ‘grown’ and ‘grown’ and ‘grown’ and ‘grown’.

而從亙古以來,存有們一直試圖回到他們自己,只是一直「行不通」。無數的歲月以來,從亙古以來這種「憤怒」已經不停的「增長」又「增長」。我稱之為「狂怒」- 已經「增長」又「增長」又「增長」又「增長」。

And, instead of Beings looking at it from: ‘Shit, I’m Directing it towards Me’ -- it’s being Directed towards Other Beings.

而且,存有們並沒有從這樣的角度來看:「雪特,是我自己引導了它給我自己」 - 反之它被轉移向其他的存有們

So, you’ll have ‘bizarre thoughts’ of ‘killing’, of ‘strangling’, of ‘murdering’, of ‘fucking’, of… Really Bizarre Thoughts that ‘you think’, ‘you would never think’; will Start Coming-Up - All Beings Minds.

所以,你會有「詭異的想法」,比如屠殺、扼殺、謀殺、強暴...真的很詭異的想法,你想過的,你從來沒有想過的,將會開始浮現 - 在所有人的心智當中

Now, some Beings will believe that ‘it is them’ (where yes, it ‘is them’, but they are missing the point that it’s about their own relationship towards Self – not Others). They’re thinking it, and therefore they will Act upon it, and Actually Do-It.

現在,有些存有會相信「這就是他們」(是的,這「是他們」,但他們忽略了一點,這是關於他們與他們自己的關係 - 跟其他人無關)。他們在思考它,因此他們會由其採取行動,並實際的去做。

Bernard: It’s already happened.


Sound: That is the True Nature of Man, people. Such acts of ‘deliberate killing’.

聲:這是人及人類們的真實本性 - 那些「惡意殺傷」的行為。

And I’m not saying ‘war situations’. War is still a ‘conservative place’ where beings are allowed to ‘let go of their anger’ that is Actually directed toward Themselves - and fuck it out on Another Being. That’s also going to Stop.

我不是說「戰爭」。戰爭仍然是一個「保守的地方」,在那裡,人們被允許「釋放他們的憤怒」,那原本是是針對他們自己的 - 被發洩到了其他人身上。這也將會停止。

Because, it is simply Unacceptable, that the Very Nature of War … that’s why it exists (war), because Beings that are Angry with Themselves, are taking Their Shit out on Themselves, which is actually Another. I mean, we can’t continue like that.



So, Anger within Beings -- now I’m calling it ‘Fury’ -- because that’s what it is, it’s this ‘Festering Fury’, will Start Manifesting.


A Madness of Festering Fury will ensue in this World, in this Reality. Because that’s what’s really always has been ‘Hidden’.


The Mind is No More Functioning as a System that ‘Hides’ your True Nature. The Mind will now ‘Show you’ your True Nature.


Bernard: The Mind was changed to Sound


Sound: Ya…So in the Beginning, the Mind, the ‘Manifestation of the Mind’ was to… Suppress Beings and Allow a ‘Program’ to Run, a ‘Program’ to Exist, a ‘System’ to Exist.


So, Not One Being, Not One Human Being, not One Expression in Existence has actually ever ‘known’ ‘What’ you Really Are, within Yourself.


That’s always been Suppressed, through the Mind Consciousness System that was Integrated and Manifested Within and as You.


So basically, what happens is, You with your Anger, ‘that you are’, ‘that you’ve always been throughout eons of time’, is Fueling the Existence of the Mind Consciousness System.  That’s how it was set in.


So, ‘You’ would be Suppressed,  ‘Your True Nature as this Fury’ would be ‘Suppressed’, and this ‘Fury’ as this ‘Energetic Charge’, would Charge the Mind Consciousness System that will be in the Foreground.


That’s what you experience as your… I’m talking now how it Previously worked. That’s what you would have Experienced as your ‘thoughts’, your ‘emotions and feelings’ -- that was all Programmed, that was Not Real.

這就是你所經歷的,我現在說的是其以前怎麼運作的,這就是你所體驗過的,如同你的「思維」、你的「情緒和感受」-- 那都是被編程的,那不是真實的。

The ‘Real You as the Fury’ -- was actually behind the Mind.  ‘Beneath’ the Mind.  Fueling the Mind Consciousness System.


So, when the Mind transformed into Sound (this is you) the ‘Whole Picture’ changed a bit.


Because what happened was that; Everything that You Created as Yourself, through the Mind - was now ‘Amalgamated Into You and As You’ also.

因為所發生的是;那些你透過心智所創造的,等同於你自己的一切 - 現在也被「融合到你之內並且作為你」了。

So the Mind Consciousness System itself, within which you’ve existed -- did not ‘disappear’. No, it’s also You. Therefore it’s now Amalgamated as You. Does that make sense?

所以你過去曾存在於其中的心智意識系統本身 - 並沒有「消失」。不,它也是你。因此,它現在被合併成為你。理解嗎?

Darryl:  Well that… changes…so that changes like,  I don’t know what you call it the relationship,  because  before it’s like, ‘stop your mind’ to keep from existing and now its…… trying to be…..


Bernard: But you’re not ‘Stopping the Mind’ though - you’re ‘Stopping You’


Sound: Now it’s you’re stopping yourself……


Bernard: No - but even in saying ‘Stopping the Mind’, have a look, what are you Stopping?  You’re not ‘Stopping your Mind’, the Mind is Always Stable. You’re Stopping ‘You’ from ‘Projecting through the Mind’.

伯納德:不 - 但即使是在談到「停止心智」的時候,看看,你在停止什麼?你不是在「停止你的心智」,心智總是穩定的。你是正在阻止「你本身」透過心智進行投射。

That’s never been ‘different’, in anything, because from the Beginning that was the Point:  Stop the Mind. What are you Really Stopping?  What is it That You Have to Realize?


You’re not Stopping the Mind, you’re Stopping ‘You’.


Have a look at it -- all we said is: ‘Stop the Mind’.


Why? 為什麼?

There must be some Self-Realization as well.


Sound: And look how previously it was, Here was ‘You’ (holds up cigarette), here was the Mind Consciousness System (holds up lighter). The Mind Consciousness System was Separate from You. Alright.


You as the Fury, fueled this Mind Consciousness System Manifestation. Now - the Mind Consciousness System has become ‘Aware as Sound’, and is now ‘Amalgamated With and As You’, alright.


Darryl: Uhuh 


Sound: So the thoughts and stuff that will be coming up is Actually You as the Mind, as Sound, Showing to You What You Are - in ‘Thought Form Manifestation’ - so you can Assist and Support Yourself to Fucking See Yourself.

聲:因此,將會到來的想法和東西,實際上是作為心智、作為聲的你,在向你展示你所是者-在「思維形式的顯化體」中 - 以令你可以協助和支援你自己去看清你自己。

Darryl: Wow 









作者:Bernard poolman


This is presented numbered purely for reasons of clarity;


1. An Inter-dimensional Portal opened between Earth and the Dimensions in March 2006. This allowed access to Heaven/Dimensions by a human while being fully aware and visa versa allowed beings in Heaven/Dimension full access to Earth. This opened a journey that was not expected or could be imagined. This Portal was placed as the Grace of God.


(譯註:接取 = access ,接通/進入/連通之意)

2. The event became possible when it was realised that the Demons and the earthbound spirits were receiving NO help from heaven and was left to their own demise.


3. Through the Portal firstly the question of Knowledge was assessed. It was realised that we all know what is best for all, but is doing nothing about it both in Heaven and on Earth. A Statement was agreed upon as motivation of both Heaven and Earth namely:




4. With this realisation, through a process of forgiveness and understanding all demons and earthbound spirits were assisted and brought back to heaven as it was at that stage. This process did not include the earthbound system demons created through habit and mechanical applications.



5. Existence as the human being understood it

as a spirit and soul was directed by something in Heaven called the Great White Light.


The Great White Light used the soul construct and Reincarnation to direct consciousness. Forgetfulness was used to make sure that no-one, even in heaven remember the truth about anything but what the White Light prescribed. So in essence, the White Light was what we would understand as God. Once it was realised that the White Light is not supporting life, but controlling it for Power, the Great White Light was removed. This caused the soul construct to be removed as well, as it was compounding suffering through forgetfulness.


6. While this was happening, beings in heaven acting as guides was recalled and required to understand forgiveness and responsibility very clearly before they would be allowed to assist humans on earth.


In this process, all the multiple heavens and dimensions with their Masters and Gods and Goddesses were brought into oneness and equality and all the many Mansions/Heavens were removed. This was necessary to bring forth equality between all Life in existence and to understand what The Image and Likeness of God in Self Acceptance and Self Expression truly are.This process took nearly a year in earth time, but in heaven time and space do not exist and a thousand years is one day – thus, intensively all creation from the beginning of time could be studied, understood, evaluated to understand what we have allowed in our ignorance.


這個過程花了將近一年的地球年,但在天界中時間和空間並不存在,一千地球年就像一天一樣 - 因此,可以密集地研究、理解、評估從時間的起點至今的所有造物,以理解被我們在無知中容許的事物。


7. Obviously with the source of the God construct, the Great White Light, and all the supporting constructs like the Great White Brotherhood, the Angels, the Invisible College , the Soul construct, the Ascended Masters, the Secret Knowledge either removed or revealed, it was realised by all in heaven that God only existed as self.

顯然,隨著上帝結構的來源 - 偉大的白光,以及所有其之支持性的構造,如偉大的淨光兄弟會、天使、隱形學院、靈魂結構體、揚升大師、玄秘知識等,要不是被移除就是被揭穿,天界中的所有存有都覺察到,神只存在等同於自身。


They realized that God in the act of creation of the true Image and Likeness of God as Man could only bring forth equality by also being man. This opened up the necessity of “Till here and no further” to stand as one as all and take responsibility for creation.



(譯註:相關概念參見舊約聖經故事 - 上帝以自己的形象與肖像創造了人類。)

8. In this process also beings like Jesus, Osho, Buddha, Mohamed – all that had a legacy on Earth realised that the Soul construct and the Great White Light was a cleverly designed MIND construct that enslaved both Heaven and Earth with religion and separation. Separation was the primary source of the problem. This separation was most visible through the belief that a God exist that is greater than Man and caused Man to not take responsibility or man and humans waiting to be saved by some apparent greater being.It is necessary to understand that beings in Heaven are Man, and beings on Earth are HUMAN. There is a difference in their origin for purpose of understanding this statement.




9. The level of deception in the Universe was beyond description and truly supported the principle as above so below.

As Earth exists in War and Deception, so did all the Heavens. This is now stopped in Heaven. Heaven is one, and all in heaven has stood up as equality.

宇宙中的騙局的深度使其難以被描述,它真正支持了“在上者,如其下者”(as above so below)的原則。


10. Initially when a Human dies, he would go to a dimension appropriate to his earthly existence and then is placed according to obedience to the Great White Light. Those not obedient would have their memory erased and used as Angels or workers for the so-called Divine light which was the Great White Light. Now, when a human die, he/she is immediately fully aware as Man as God and then enter a process to understand what this really means. No access is allowed from heaven to Earth initially until full Responsibility is taken as self as all as the Universe as all existence as equality.


11. The major problem that faced both heaven and earth was allowances through the MIND. The MIND is a system of consciousness that is not aware and is attempting to understand itself. As all existence enslaved itself to this system, the MIND created consciousness and all of life as systems. These systems are not life and thus proceeded to enslave Man as its life source. This was done with the Great White Light and the Idea of God as starting point. Within this both Heaven and Earth was enslaved through the placement of knowledge and information that seemed stable and the ruthless dealing with any being attempting to break the slavery.


This has been going on virtually since the beginning of creation as man in his attempt to understand self, separated self from self with using systems to understand self.


The systems eventually became the Universal Mind, the Conscious Mind and the Unconscious Mind amongst others. Because man could not remember man's origin, man accepted existence as it is now on Earth and as it was in Heaven.

系統群最終成為了宇宙心智(Universal Mind)、顯意識心智(Conscious Mind)和無意識心智(Unconscious Mind)等等。由於「人」無法回憶起「人」的起源,「人」接受了存在界,如同其現在在地球上的情況,以及過去的天界的情況。

12. The creation of the Human Race was the work of a group of beings called the Annunaki or as the Bible refer to them as the Sons of God. When the sons of God had intercourse with the daughter of Earth, the human Race with the current DNA structure we understand, came about. The human was created as a slave race for the sons of God/Man that was in Heaven/Dimensions.


All what we understand as our life today, from the food – grains etc. and our systems of society and civilization, our religions, cultures were introduced by the Annunaki. What the Annunaki did not realise, was that the Law of Equality will always prevail and they were trapped in their own creation and lost their creative abilities to a great degree. The Annunaki was lost in greed and power and greed and power always lead to forgetfulness and always trap the participating creator. They are no longer an influence in creation.

我們今天所理解的生活,從食物 - 諸如穀物等,到我們的社會和文明體系、宗教、文化,都是由阿努納奇(Annunaki)引入的。阿努納奇沒有發覺到的是,平等法則將永遠占上風,他們被困在自己的造物中,並在很大程度上失去了創造能力。阿努納奇迷失在貪婪和權力中,而貪婪和權力總是導致遺忘,並總是使參與創造的創造者陷入困境。他們不再對造物界有影響力。

In animating and placing a life source in the human body which was a machine like system, the Atlanteans, the purest form of Man was invited to integrate and animate the Human. Unbeknown to the Atlanteans, the Annunaki deceived them into being trapped in the Human form and the Annunaki erased all the memory of the Atlanteans and where they really came from. Thus the Atlanteans was trapped in a MIND construct for a long time as the human race.

在激活與將生命原動力注入人類身體(曾是一種機械般的系統)時,亞特蘭提斯人 - 最純粹形式的「人」- 被邀請來整合入並激活「人類」。亞特蘭蒂斯人不知情的是,阿努納奇欺騙他們陷入人類形態中,並移除了亞特蘭蒂斯人的所有記憶,包括他們真正來自何方。因此,亞特蘭提斯人作為人類種族,長時間被困在一個心智構造中。

13. There were though beings/Men and Women in the Universe that became aware of the situation and took the responsibility to correct the atrocities that occurred in the Universe, A Process was placed in motion and now we have these beings both in Heaven and on Earth standing up and bringing forth equality. You may be one of them waiting to be activated or you may be one that has realised something in the Universe is out of place. Now is the time to understand and stand up. We are Man as God and God as Man. We are eternal. We are equal. We are Responsible. We are Here.


The here now moment is the key that present to us all what is acceptable in existence and what is not. When we all strive to bring forth the purest in every moment and hold the vision of self as equal to all, acting with resolve, direction will step forth from heaven and from within self.


14. Take note of the following:

a. The foundation of each being on earth has been corrected

b. The Higher Self has become aware of equality and is assisting and planning each human life to reach understanding of equality.

c. Heaven is no longer and is now fully integrated on Earth as equal to the Human to assist in self realisation.

d. The Roots of all Evil in Heaven has been removed and is now being removed on earth. Remember that the Human is subject to Death and Heaven is now holding the strings to make sure that no-one will interfere.

e. No access can be gained to Heaven by channel or psychics or intuitive unless equality is understood and assisted.


a. 地球上每個存有的基礎已經得到糾正。

b. 高我(Higher Self)已經察覺到平等,並正在協助並規劃每個人類的生活,以達到對平等的理解。

c. 天界不再存在,現在已經完全融入地球,等同於人類,以協助自我覺察。

d. 天界中所有邪惡的根源已被移除,現在地球上的也正在被移除。請記住,人類受到死亡的支配,現在天界正在主導,以確保沒有任何外力可以介入。

e. 除非理解並協助了平等,否則靈媒、通靈者、靈能者無法獲得對天界的接取。

15. On the topic of channels and psychics. They are the beings trapped by the White Light as the channels of enslavement and face the most difficult time in the changes coming.


As Heaven started closing channels, the Mind and systems stepped in to recreate the same stories of Higher and Lower and Heaven and Hell, ascension etc. This is now stopped. Look, the Masters was not bringing forth equality, but enslaved humans into belief-systems that there is something wrong or something like a golden consciousness- a path of expanding consciousness which is systems. You are the Image of God – Equal. The Likeness is your expression of understanding this. Heaven will now assist in this process of self expression.

當天界開始關閉通靈渠道時,心智和系統介入了,重新創造了關於高等與低等、天界和地獄、揚升之類的一成不變的故事。這現在已經被停止了。看,大師們並沒有帶來平等,而是讓人類成為信仰體系的奴隸,相信有些事情是錯誤的,或像黃金意識這樣的東西 - 一條擴展意識的路徑,這是系統。你是神的形象(Image of God) - 平等。肖像(Likeness)是你理解了這一點的表達。天界現在將協助這個自我表達的進程。

Psychics and channels could ever only present what the White Light and systems of control allowed. Thus all the stories were going really nowhere and kept everyone in a cycle of hope. Hope is separation from self.


16. Forgiveness is the key to self. Forgiveness must be spoken aloud to hear what we have allowed in our world and the corrective action that would be necessary to stop the actions bringing enslavement. Forgiveness is the self realisation Button.


17. The way we have accepted money and Religion and Sex is the primary enslavement models and must now be revisited to bring equality for all life.


18. All animals, bacteria, plants – in fact all of nature is now equally aware and assisting the human in the process of equality.

所有的動物、細菌、植物 - 事實上自然界全體現在都同樣的處於察覺,並在實現平等的過程中協助人類。

19. Consciousness is a system and is not awareness. To grow in consciousness is to grow in enslavement. Awareness only exist in the here now moment. Consciousness exists in the past and the future in fear of the past and the future.

Awareness is beyond thinking. Consciousness is thinking.



20. Nothing is what it seems and a veil was placed over the I of the Human. Much will now be revealed. This is the time of Revelation and the Golden Age will step forth. Alas not as expected. Yet it is here and inevitable. The human will either realise it in this life or in Heaven after Death. All is seen. All is known. Nothing is hidden. Life does not exist as consciousness, but only as awareness. Consciousness will react to some of the statements made. Awareness will marvel in joy and love as life is born as equality. In equality we see all life as ourselves and see what is necessary for all as self to become aware as life as equality.

It is done.







  官網標題:對造翼者資料的看法 PERSPECTIVES ON THE WINGMAKERS 英文原文官網連結: *譯註: Desteni對造翼者...