


Dec 27, 2008  

Interview with Bernard and Sound through the Portal




Bernard: Ok, Bring Sound 


(Sound comes through the Portal)


Bernard:  Explain the Directive Principle, Equality and Oneness, Sound.


Sound: Well, ‘Sound’ is ‘Here’, always been ‘Here’.


You have ‘Sound’. I am not even going to describe it as ‘One Sound’ or ‘The Sound’, or anything like that - because, even in those words it would create a Point of Separation because it’s not even ‘One Sound’, it’s simply ‘Sound’, ‘that is Here’.


And, basically what’s happened is that, Sound, is what Each Expression that is Manifested within Existence, Really Is = Sound. Not ‘a frequency’, not ‘a vibration’, not ‘a singular’... ‘movement’ not… , not anything that is ‘Singular’.

基本上發生的事情是,「聲」,是存在界中顯化出來的每一個表達,真正所是的 =是「聲」。不是頻率,不是振動,不是「單一的」...「運動」。不是...不是任何「單一」的東西。

For example, Human Beings are ‘Singular’, because you’re a ‘Singular Being’ in a ‘Singular Human Body’ with a ‘Singular Mind’ = All the Layers of Separation.

例如,人類是「單一的」,因為你是一個「單一的存有」在一個「單一的人體」內與一個「單一的心智」在一起 = 全都是分離的層次。

So basically, everything that’s Manifested Here has been Separated from Itself, which is Sound. So, Each Part either Exist as ‘A Vibration’, or ‘A Sound’, or ‘A Movement’, or ‘A Body’, or... ‘A Manifestation’. Everything is ‘A’, ‘Singular’.


So, the Process is for Each Part, Each Manifestation, Each Expression of Existence, to from your ‘Singularity’ become ‘a Whole’ so to speak.


And that Process is, of going from ‘Singularity’ to ‘A Whole’: Is Standing One and Equal with Every Single Part of Existence = Which is Yourself.


It’s like, this Whole Existence, this Whole Reality, this Whole World… is Yourself that has been ‘Split’ into all those Different Forms or Parts and Manifestations and Expressions.


And, it’s like ‘You as Sound’ that ‘Split Yourself’ into ‘various different frequencies’, and ‘vibrations’ and ‘movements’, that Manifested as Each and Every Single, Individual, ‘Singular’ Expression or Manifestation.


Now you have to become ‘Sound’, ‘Whole‘ again - Here. And that is done through, as I have said, Amalgamating You with Every-Single-Part that is Manifested within Existence.

現在你必須再次成為「聲」,「完整的」 - 在這裡。正如我所說的,這是要經由將你與存在界中被顯化的每一個部分給融合起來才能達成的。

May sound easy, and from a certain perspective it is. It’s, it’s a, a Realization, that, ‘All that Exists is Me’.


Some will have such an ‘Instantaneous Realization’, others will go through a ‘little process’.


I suppose ‘the process’ will come, where beings will try and do it - through their Mind. That’s basically the Only Part where ‘Process’ exists.


Where Beings ‘try’ and do their process, through the mind. Forgetting Themselves completely, ‘Here’.


What the fuck? 


“I’m Here!” You know, it’s just as simple as that.


But the Mind’s an ‘Interesting Design Creation’ in Process - let’s say, because it can throw its ‘tweaks and curves’, ‘its hooks’, and see if you’re going to ‘fall hook line and sinker’ into the Mind or are you going to Recognize Yourself that is Here.


Bernard: Okay, just explain what happened to the Mind, how the Mind was ‘adjusted’.



Sound: Well, the Mind is Sound, meaning, the Mind is You, ‘Who you Really Are’, in Manifestation.


So, basically the Mind is You, that’ll ‘Test You’, to the Utmost Specific Degree - to See if You’re ‘Whole’, if you’re ‘Sound’, if You’re ‘Actually Standing One and Equal – Manifest ‘: that’s ‘the Mind’.


The ‘Mind is Sound’, the ‘Mind is You’, the Mind is ‘Who-You-Really-Are’ – ‘As a Whole’.


 ‘Who You Are’ - in Relation to the Mind, at this very moment:  is ‘You Believing Yourself to be Less than You’. Which is...’bizarre’.

在這當下,你所是者 - 在關聯到心智時:是「你相信你比你自己還渺小」,很詭異的。


Which is how we’ve always existed. Believing Ourselves to be Less than Ourselves, I mean how the fuck does that work.


Question: If ‘Ourselves is Here’, where is that ‘other self’, does that ‘other self’ really exist? That’s kind of where the Mind came in.


The Mind’s existing because You Believe that You’re Less than Yourself. And that ‘point’ of ‘You Believing that You’re Less than Yourself’ can be seen in Various Manifestations and Forms in Your Reality, in your Direct World where, You Believe You’re Less than Another Person. It’s fascinating because Each Human Being, think they are Less than the Other. Which is also ‘bizarre’.


Everyone Existing Actually in Inferiority towards Each Other which is… Why? There’s no ‘purpose’ or ‘reason’ in it.


It’s Fascinating. That’s just one example of how the point of ‘You Believing Yourself to be Less than Yourself’ has Manifested.

很有趣,這只是一個例子,說明 - 實體化的「你相信自己比自己渺小」之概念。

So, I’d say that is maybe ‘the one point’ to maybe sort out…, Believing or Perceiving Yourself to be Less than Yourself.


It’s the point that kind of ‘Stands in the Air’, it’s not even ‘Real’, it ‘Doesn’t Exist’. But Beings believe-it, and so in that, they’ve ‘Made it Real’. They’ve Actually Manifested it in the Formation of the Mind.


And… Let’s say Throughout Existence, what’s been ‘the Problem’, the point that’s ‘been missed’, was that ‘the Mind is Not the Enemy’. The Mind is ‘You’. The Mind has always Been Here, and I suppose that’s where… what’s his name, Buddha and...Mainly Buddha, I mean, if Buddha have just got that point ‘right’, he would have actually...it’s ‘so close’. He Entered that Point where he Experienced Silence, but, ‘the one point he missed’ was ‘Not Realizing that He Was that Silence’.


He still related that Silence to: ‘The Silence is my Mind’, ‘is My Consciousness’.


Then he went and gave it a ‘Definition’, a ‘Name’ = ‘Consciousness’, which… created then, in that ‘An Awareness of the Mind’. That’s how The Awareness of the Mind, The Consciousness of the Mind System was Created -- within Beings Believing the Mind to be an Entity that is ‘More than Yourself’ that can ‘Direct You’ or ‘Show You’ ‘where you must go’ or ‘how you must be’ or ‘what you must say’.

然後他去給它一個「定義」,一個「名字」 = 即「意識」,其...接著這創造了「一個對於心智的覺知」,這就是心智的覺知,心智系統的意識如何被創造出來的 -- 因著存有們相信心智是一個「比自己更廣大」的實體,是可以「指揮你」或「向你展示」「你必須去哪裡」或「你必須如何」或「你必須說什麼」的。

That’s why Beings at the moment ‘Trust their Mind’, because they believe their Mind is ‘a Consciousness’ is ‘a Higher Consciousness’ that is ‘more than’ them.


So, that’s ‘another point’ to deal with is...or have a look at it - is ‘Believing that Your Mind is a Consciousness, is An Entity that is ‘more than’ You that can ‘direct you’’, does that make sense?

所以,這是要被處理或是被查看的另一個點 - 是相信:你的心智是一個意識,是'比'你更高大所以就可以'指揮你'的一個實體。理解嗎?

The Mind - I’ll say it again, the ‘Mind is You’, it simply is. So, the key is to consider: ‘What it is that your Mind is ‘showing you’’, in moments.

心智 - 我再說一遍,「心智就是你」,很單純的它就是。所以,關鍵是要考慮:「你的心智在向你展示著什麼」在每一刻中

I mean, it’s not about ‘Standing Separate from Your Mind’, it’s not about ‘Judging your Mind’, it’s not about ‘Fearing your Mind’, because all that you’re doing is that you’re Judging and Fearing Yourself.


Your Mind is ‘You Showing You Back to Yourself’. Does that make sense?


So, it’s like, really, you know Enjoy Yourself with ‘What You are Showing You’.


And, to not take everything so ‘seriously’. Because you can make it serious for yourself, of course. The Mind isn’t making anything ‘Serious’: You Are.


You…and it’s not the Mind that is ‘creating’ - understand that - the Mind is Constant. The Mind is Sound. The Mind is Here.


You, in your Separation with Yourself as the Mind created the ‘Perceptual Reality’.


So it’s like... 所以就像...

Here’s You (holds up a lighter), here’s your Mind (holds up a cigarette). Like the Cigarette is the Mind and the Lighter is You. Now the Mind is in the thoughts, is showing you points, of You, so that You can Amalgamate Yourself with You again.


Does that make sense?


But now, if you Separate Yourself from your Mind (separating lighter and cigarette from each other) – that Point of Separation right there, is going to create a ‘friction’. That ‘friction’ creates for example your experiences of ‘Fear’ or ‘Anxiety’ and your ‘Emotions and Feelings’ basically.


So if you are ‘in friction with Yourself’,  you’re in a ‘friction with your Mind’, it’ll Manifest as Emotions and Feelings. That’s what Emotions and Feelings are.


You know “Uh oh, what of my Mind, what of Myself am I ‘Judging’, or ‘Denying’ or ‘Resisting’ ?”. Does that make sense?



So, Embrace the Mind, which is ‘Embrace Yourself’, and Walk in Every-Moment to Amalgamate You with Yourself again.


And the Mind will show you very specifically with ‘thoughts’, ‘pictures’, ‘images’ and shit like that -- Where You’re Not-Yet One and Equal with You. Does that make sense?


And that’s how it works.


Bernard: And that’s your Self-Honest points, where you ‘see’ what your doing and you don’t ‘stop’ = that’s Dishonest. Just Stop, that’s Self-Honesty.  ‘Cause, have a look, each one ‘see’, Exactly, what he or she is doing. There is no Denying that.

伯納德:這是你的自我誠實的點。你「看到了」你在做什麼,而你卻不「停止」= 這是不誠實的。停下來就是自我誠實的。因為,看一看,每個人都已'看到',實際上的,他或她正在做什麼,這是無法否認的。

Sound: So realize that ‘thoughts’ are not ‘Separate Manifestations’.


‘Thoughts are You’ – alright - So when ‘a thought comes up’, that thought IS you, that thought ‘Is You, as the Mind that is You, Showing You What you’re Accepting and Allowing’.


Let’s take An Example: A ‘thought comes u’p. Now I’m going to use thoughts that many people don’t talk about, and these are things that Really come up in Beings Minds.


These random, ‘very odd’, ‘bizarre thoughts’ such as… Beings imagining, a man walking by, in a brown trench coat with a brown hat, long beard. And all of a sudden, you just see yourself ‘Stabbing’ this person.


I mean, such thoughts come up in Many Beings. Actually, in All-Beings. Now, such thoughts will start occurring in Beings’ Minds - Why?

我的意思是,這樣的想法出現在許多人的腦海。事實上,所有的人都有。現在,這樣的想法將開始在人們的心智中出現 - 為什麼?

Because that has become the ‘Real, True Suppressed Nature of Man’. ‘Brutality’. ‘Vulgarness’. ‘Disgust’. ‘Anger’. ‘Fear’.


All those Words is what Humanity and Man has become due to… Each One, actually being so ‘Infuriorated’ (in fury) with Themselves, because, you know that You’re Separate from Yourself. You know that You Separated Yourself, from Yourself.


And for Eons of Time, Beings have attempted to Get-Back to Themselves, and it just hasn’t been ‘working’. And for Billions of Years, for Eons of Time this ‘Anger’ has ‘grown’ and ‘grown’. I call it ‘Fury’ – has ‘grown’ and ‘grown’ and ‘grown’ and ‘grown’.

而從亙古以來,存有們一直試圖回到他們自己,只是一直「行不通」。無數的歲月以來,從亙古以來這種「憤怒」已經不停的「增長」又「增長」。我稱之為「狂怒」- 已經「增長」又「增長」又「增長」又「增長」。

And, instead of Beings looking at it from: ‘Shit, I’m Directing it towards Me’ -- it’s being Directed towards Other Beings.

而且,存有們並沒有從這樣的角度來看:「雪特,是我自己引導了它給我自己」 - 反之它被轉移向其他的存有們

So, you’ll have ‘bizarre thoughts’ of ‘killing’, of ‘strangling’, of ‘murdering’, of ‘fucking’, of… Really Bizarre Thoughts that ‘you think’, ‘you would never think’; will Start Coming-Up - All Beings Minds.

所以,你會有「詭異的想法」,比如屠殺、扼殺、謀殺、強暴...真的很詭異的想法,你想過的,你從來沒有想過的,將會開始浮現 - 在所有人的心智當中

Now, some Beings will believe that ‘it is them’ (where yes, it ‘is them’, but they are missing the point that it’s about their own relationship towards Self – not Others). They’re thinking it, and therefore they will Act upon it, and Actually Do-It.

現在,有些存有會相信「這就是他們」(是的,這「是他們」,但他們忽略了一點,這是關於他們與他們自己的關係 - 跟其他人無關)。他們在思考它,因此他們會由其採取行動,並實際的去做。

Bernard: It’s already happened.


Sound: That is the True Nature of Man, people. Such acts of ‘deliberate killing’.

聲:這是人及人類們的真實本性 - 那些「惡意殺傷」的行為。

And I’m not saying ‘war situations’. War is still a ‘conservative place’ where beings are allowed to ‘let go of their anger’ that is Actually directed toward Themselves - and fuck it out on Another Being. That’s also going to Stop.

我不是說「戰爭」。戰爭仍然是一個「保守的地方」,在那裡,人們被允許「釋放他們的憤怒」,那原本是是針對他們自己的 - 被發洩到了其他人身上。這也將會停止。

Because, it is simply Unacceptable, that the Very Nature of War … that’s why it exists (war), because Beings that are Angry with Themselves, are taking Their Shit out on Themselves, which is actually Another. I mean, we can’t continue like that.



So, Anger within Beings -- now I’m calling it ‘Fury’ -- because that’s what it is, it’s this ‘Festering Fury’, will Start Manifesting.


A Madness of Festering Fury will ensue in this World, in this Reality. Because that’s what’s really always has been ‘Hidden’.


The Mind is No More Functioning as a System that ‘Hides’ your True Nature. The Mind will now ‘Show you’ your True Nature.


Bernard: The Mind was changed to Sound


Sound: Ya…So in the Beginning, the Mind, the ‘Manifestation of the Mind’ was to… Suppress Beings and Allow a ‘Program’ to Run, a ‘Program’ to Exist, a ‘System’ to Exist.


So, Not One Being, Not One Human Being, not One Expression in Existence has actually ever ‘known’ ‘What’ you Really Are, within Yourself.


That’s always been Suppressed, through the Mind Consciousness System that was Integrated and Manifested Within and as You.


So basically, what happens is, You with your Anger, ‘that you are’, ‘that you’ve always been throughout eons of time’, is Fueling the Existence of the Mind Consciousness System.  That’s how it was set in.


So, ‘You’ would be Suppressed,  ‘Your True Nature as this Fury’ would be ‘Suppressed’, and this ‘Fury’ as this ‘Energetic Charge’, would Charge the Mind Consciousness System that will be in the Foreground.


That’s what you experience as your… I’m talking now how it Previously worked. That’s what you would have Experienced as your ‘thoughts’, your ‘emotions and feelings’ -- that was all Programmed, that was Not Real.

這就是你所經歷的,我現在說的是其以前怎麼運作的,這就是你所體驗過的,如同你的「思維」、你的「情緒和感受」-- 那都是被編程的,那不是真實的。

The ‘Real You as the Fury’ -- was actually behind the Mind.  ‘Beneath’ the Mind.  Fueling the Mind Consciousness System.


So, when the Mind transformed into Sound (this is you) the ‘Whole Picture’ changed a bit.


Because what happened was that; Everything that You Created as Yourself, through the Mind - was now ‘Amalgamated Into You and As You’ also.

因為所發生的是;那些你透過心智所創造的,等同於你自己的一切 - 現在也被「融合到你之內並且作為你」了。

So the Mind Consciousness System itself, within which you’ve existed -- did not ‘disappear’. No, it’s also You. Therefore it’s now Amalgamated as You. Does that make sense?

所以你過去曾存在於其中的心智意識系統本身 - 並沒有「消失」。不,它也是你。因此,它現在被合併成為你。理解嗎?

Darryl:  Well that… changes…so that changes like,  I don’t know what you call it the relationship,  because  before it’s like, ‘stop your mind’ to keep from existing and now its…… trying to be…..


Bernard: But you’re not ‘Stopping the Mind’ though - you’re ‘Stopping You’


Sound: Now it’s you’re stopping yourself……


Bernard: No - but even in saying ‘Stopping the Mind’, have a look, what are you Stopping?  You’re not ‘Stopping your Mind’, the Mind is Always Stable. You’re Stopping ‘You’ from ‘Projecting through the Mind’.

伯納德:不 - 但即使是在談到「停止心智」的時候,看看,你在停止什麼?你不是在「停止你的心智」,心智總是穩定的。你是正在阻止「你本身」透過心智進行投射。

That’s never been ‘different’, in anything, because from the Beginning that was the Point:  Stop the Mind. What are you Really Stopping?  What is it That You Have to Realize?


You’re not Stopping the Mind, you’re Stopping ‘You’.


Have a look at it -- all we said is: ‘Stop the Mind’.


Why? 為什麼?

There must be some Self-Realization as well.


Sound: And look how previously it was, Here was ‘You’ (holds up cigarette), here was the Mind Consciousness System (holds up lighter). The Mind Consciousness System was Separate from You. Alright.


You as the Fury, fueled this Mind Consciousness System Manifestation. Now - the Mind Consciousness System has become ‘Aware as Sound’, and is now ‘Amalgamated With and As You’, alright.


Darryl: Uhuh 


Sound: So the thoughts and stuff that will be coming up is Actually You as the Mind, as Sound, Showing to You What You Are - in ‘Thought Form Manifestation’ - so you can Assist and Support Yourself to Fucking See Yourself.

聲:因此,將會到來的想法和東西,實際上是作為心智、作為聲的你,在向你展示你所是者-在「思維形式的顯化體」中 - 以令你可以協助和支援你自己去看清你自己。

Darryl: Wow 








 爬蟲人的仁慈1~5集中文影片播放清單 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1l2WTl1JOneqkkNzyK4lVvgIKdS0YTaq Desteni呈獻:爬蟲人的仁慈(第1集)2009年8月5日                 ...