成功學迷思:成功來自運氣或是努力(中英)The advantages of a pre-programmed design

 Desteni 呈獻:預編程設計的優勢

The advantages of a pre-programmed design  

主講:伯納德・普爾曼(Bernard Poolman)2010 年 1 月 9 日




每個人的狀態:所在位置、身份、運作方式、最終成為的樣子、他們擁有的知識、智力——這一切都能被等式化為包含各種影響的數學方程式(equated as a mathematical equation)。  


The advantages of a pre-programmed design  

Let’s do some mathematics about the condition of each person in this world.  

Each person’s condition, where they are, who they are, how they function, what they become, the knowledge they have, the intellect they have—all of it can be equated as a mathematical equation with various influences.  

Some of that has to do with the pre-programmed design that gave them an advantage.  



If you look at what we have presented in terms of the heavenly position in what was going on on Earth, then there was a particular benefit for heaven to only benefit those on Earth that were supporting the hierarchy in heaven and the powers that wanted to remain in control of the reality.  



So understand, and you can go and do this math in common sense for yourself: those with particular guru abilities, psychic abilities, abilities of influence over people, money, elitism, bloodlines, special abilities to get information, to get attention, to become famous in this reality—all of them have a pre-programmed designed advantage.  






Understand how it works. It is a resonant design.  

So you don’t just like a person—you like a person because between you and that person there is a symbolic pre-programmed link.  

The one is famous and you are the doting fan, for instance. That is the way with all so-called progress on Earth.  

None of it was actually by the hard work or the doing of the person involved. They were just living their pre-programmed design. It came naturally, so to speak.  




And those that follow, or are the doting fans, or the screaming girl that throw their panties at the rock star—all of those are pre-programmed to do that.  

That is the way it is designed. That’s why it comes so naturally. There is no effort in doing it.  


反之,當你進行 Desteni 進程時,需要巨大的努力,因為它不是來自先天的(設計)。  



For instance, when you go and walk the Desteni process, it takes great effort because it doesn’t come naturally.  

You are busy redesigning your reality, and you are going in contradiction to your pre-programmed natural design.  

And you have realized that your pre-programmed natural design is not something you would like to be. There is something wrong. Somebody has been screwing with you. That was heaven. That was the soul.  







So, understand. Always do your mathematics.  

Have a look: When things come naturally, it is the design.  

When a rapist rapes naturally, it is the design.  

Have a look at what comes naturally in terms of how one cheats in relationships. What comes naturally in how one cheats in business.  

How this whole capitalist system about profit and loss is based on those that can lie the best making the most money.  




And those that have failed in business know this.  

You know that when you have tried to do your best and be honest, you have seen your ass.  

There are many people like that, but nobody speaks about it.  





The reason why this happened, you think it’s like God testing you.  

No, it’s not God testing you. Come on.  

God would have played no favorites if there was a God. God would have given everyone an equal image and likeness.  

It is something else. It is what we have shown. It is the pre-programmed design, the resonant design that decides these points.  


目前,在 Desteni 進程中,顯然這些設計已被反轉,轉而支援你。  


這需要時間——10 年、20 年、30 年,多久都無所謂。你終將領悟。  

Currently, within the Desteni process obviously, these designs have been inverted and it’s actually supporting you.  

They are going to take you to the absolute point of their dominance so that you can learn to stand up and take on your programming and learn how to program yourself and take responsibility for all life.  

It’s going to take time—10, 20, 30 years, it doesn’t matter really how long. You are going to get it.  





And I mean, for those that don’t, there is nothing you can do about it.  

You can’t even help yourself at the moment. You are purely living the natural design that you have been pre-programmed with.  

That’s quite a problem. That is, in fact, the language of robotics. You are artificial intelligence.  



Those that come with this great knowledge that they try and manipulate within the bounds of the current money system, that do not even question the current money system—you must understand they are part of the so-called inter-dimensional pre-programmed police that were placed to make sure that nobody ever questioned this reality. This is the only way it can be.  



It’s the way it is now, which is all bullshit. Pre-programmed design—do not fall for this bullshit. Have a look.  





I am not eloquent in how I speak. I don’t prepare what I am saying. I do it in the moment right here.  

The portal was never allowed any point where the portal was allowed to actually prepare for shit.  

We only started doing that when we already had some clarity on what was going on. You understand?  



接下來的內容將由 Sunette 主導(Sunette 即門戶本人)。  


If you look at it, we said the portal will be giving interviews for three years. That’s over.  

What happens now will come from Sunette. She is busy supporting everybody in the process.  

There is no point for any more interviews through the portal in terms of what was going on in reality.  





We have done what is relevant and we have explained the common sense and the mathematics around it.  

All of the portal interviews are now purely for research.  

That is how things were, and that is the foundation from which things were designed in this reality. And we are already busy with the redesigning.  



And it’s just a matter of time before you are going to get it.  

So, if you are willing to be self-honest and do the basic calculations of the equality equation to establish for yourself what is really going on, you will be astounded at how easy one can get lost in self-deception.  




Self-forgiveness is recommended. And then to make a decision that one gives up this life.  

That means—what does it mean giving up this life? You give up your natural life that flows easily. And you focus on correcting the design of this reality.  




You give up your desires, hopes, wants, and needs for greatness and fame.  

And you focus on sorting out this reality to a condition that is best for all.  

Because then, no matter what the outcome—no matter whether reincarnation is real or not, or whether we only have one life or not—the bottom line would be whoever comes to this reality will have a bloody cool experience.  



And what one will have is the process, the experience of creating this reality to a place that is a cool fucking place to come to. Got my drift?  






 爬蟲人的仁慈1~5集中文影片播放清單 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1l2WTl1JOneqkkNzyK4lVvgIKdS0YTaq Desteni呈獻:爬蟲人的仁慈(第1集)2009年8月5日                 ...