Bernard Poolman語錄:關於自由選擇

 Bernard Poolman Quotes





To claim that human nature cannot change and that you refuse to make the choice that is best for all life always is to affirm that you have no free choice and that you are part of the reason why evil and abuse exist


Free choice, you will see in Self Honest Self Reflection, is always ego that is spiteful and deliberate in self interest and that manipulates with power play in spite of knowing what is best for all to purely sabotage anything that may threaten the ego. 


Whenever someone defends their point of view with free choice: know that it is just ego. 


 Benevolent, strong people will always choose what is best for all



Free choice implies that the choice that is best for all life always exists.


Why would humanity not use their free choice to make this choice?




We have free choice in this reality but not free consequence –the current world system protect some against consequence and remove the freechoice of others, That is unacceptable.  

在這一現實中,我們擁有自由選擇,但我們沒有免於後果的自由 —— 當前的世界系統保護了一些人迴避後果,並剝奪掉其他人的自由選擇,這是不可接受的。


We are not slaves to those that refuse to bring into being that which is best for all



secrets are at the core of separation and separation are the reason for abuse and separation are protected by freechoice




The greatest secret is that free choice was the fall of man


Divinity do not have free choice



If you have limited vocabulary where you lack the ability to make all choice, do you still have free choice?




Free choice seem to have degrees of freedom and the ability to perceive/understand the reality




Freechoice is millions of animals under extreme conditions processed to maintain the happiness of mankind –what a price to pay.  


what God would ever allow this? 




freechoice is millions starving purely because their equality would interfere with the happiness of those that has enough




freechoice is universities that teach the elite of intellectual elite of the world to be social psychopaths without any feeling that is valid in terms of life whatsoever




freechoice is economists designing economic policy around the premise that the nature of man will never change and therefore it is acceptable to abuse the less fortunate regardless



freechoice is to KNWO the world is abusive and then to do nothing to change it




freechoice is to arrive on a planet and to accept the ways that you are taught regardless and to continue to perpetuate the madness that is here just because you found it like this when you came – do you have no self respect mankind?




freechoice is the love of this world – a love so evil that no amount of repentance should ever be enough to repay for what has been allowed

 自由選擇是:這個世界的愛 —— 一種如此邪惡的愛,以致於再多的懺悔都不足以償還(*在這世界)被允許了的一切



freechoice is to own land just for profit and to let it stand empty even if children die of exposure and to refuse to consider that the profit of freechoice could be a weapon that murder the poor




freechoice is to remain silent when the world is burning




freechoice is to teach my children to survive at all costs and not to try and change the system as it is too big and powerful



freechoice is to have hundreds of thousands of empty homes in Spain while the country is in economic crises



freechoice is to rape the environment of resources purely to give the fat cats variety




freechoice is to inflated reality into an illusion and then to insist that the illusion is real



freechoice is the excuse of humanity to not create a world that is best for all




freechoice is to pretend you are depressed just to get away from taking responsibility and to take this faked depressed self creation even to the point of suicide just to PROVE that it is real.




freechoice is to spend money in the system and claim that it is essential and to do only what is required to change the world




freechoice is to be scared what people will say if you stand for oneness and equality



freechoice is to try and not upset the friends and family with anything that would cause them to consider changing human nature, that would according to them impede on their freechoice




freechoice is to be more concerned about ones spiritual wellbeing than the wellbeing of the animals and plants and children that are being exterminated by the system of personal happiness



only freechoice will cause one to be so self abusive as to make process longer



freechoice should be used as the tool that lead each to self forgiveness and self honesty to realize that equal choice will be actual freechoice




我的父親,惡魔My Dad, The Devil



文章標題:我的父親,惡魔My Dad, The Devil

作者:Cerise Poolman



Bernard Poolman passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning, 11 August 2013 (SA time).

Bernard Poolman2013811(南非時間)周日淩晨去世。

His heart stopped beating.


The post that follows was written by Bernard’s daughter, Cerise Poolman – all of the members of Desteni living on the Farm stand by these words.

下文由Bernard的女兒Cerise Poolman所寫——所有住在農場的desteni成員都支持這些話。


Bernard Poolman is known as many things

Bernard Poolman有許多為人所知的形象

A guru, a cult leader, an anarchist,


A communist, a socialist,


A freedom fighter, a freedom writer,


An activist, a practivist,


A visionary, a loon


All these labels mean nothing.


To me, he was Bernard, my dad, the most honest and self sacrificing person I have ever known.


Now he is dead, and the world is poorer for it.


He may have had radical ideas, but isn’t that exactly what we need?


We don’t seem to have come very far with “in the box” ideas.


Look around, the Earth is being poisoned, people live in poverty, our children are crazy murderers, our religious leaders cannot be trusted with young children, our political leaders cannot be trusted with anything and our economists are simply making things up as they go along.


We all buy into the propaganda that makes the world seem beautiful “just the way it is” – Bernard did not.

我們都輕信了洗腦宣傳,讓這個世界“如其所是的樣子”看似美好 —— 但Bernard沒有。

Does that make him crazy by definition?


Yes, if the definition of insanity is something that is apart from the norm.


He questioned the inequality in the world and challenged us for not questioning it too – maybe this is why so many people hate him – they do not want to see themselves as ignorant, as idle bystanders watching atrocities and genocide unfold before their very eyes.

他質疑這世上的不平等,並挑戰我們為何沒有同樣的質疑不平等 —— 也許這就是為什麼這麼多人恨他 —— 他們不希望看見自己是無知的,是看著暴行和屠殺在自己眼前發生的袖手旁觀的旁觀者。

It is easier seeing ourselves the way people are portrayed in the media, as innocent, as deserving.


Bernard was one man who made a difference in the lives of many – there are few people who can claim the same for themselves.

Bernard是一個改變了許多人的生命的人 —— 很少人可以宣稱自己也是如此。

There are those who point fingers and use nasty words to try and twist the message that Bernard was repeating over and over – what does this make them, I wonder?


The message that Bernard kept saying was that of Jesus Love thy neighbour as thyself, do unto another as you would like to be done unto you.


What does this make of the naysayers, the cult preachers, the vigilant protectors of “human rights and liberties” – that they call this message, and its sender “evil”?


Many accused him of being a cult leader, even though he said time and again: “I am not a leader, I am just a man, I am your equal and you are mine.


He was accused of being evil for recognising that our world, our society, our very selves are tainted – and that we have deliberately continued on as if we are angels.

他被指責是邪惡的,只因為他發覺到我們的世界、我們的社會、我們自己 - 都已被腐化了——而我們蓄意的保持下去彷彿我們是天使。

He was accused of brainwashing, for questioning the things we so blindly accept as being “Normal” and “acceptable” – such as poverty, crime, exploitation, rape, murder, unhappy marriages, psychological disorders, economic theories, wars, the creation of weapons, the minimum wage being far from sufficient to survive on.


You may ask “what now? ”to us loony cultists trying to make the world a better place.


My answer we continue.


We have laid down a good, strong foundation of principles and assistive tools to support ourselves with.


Bernard contributed many ideas which we then developed into tools, such as DIP Pro and DIP Lite – but each of us has walked our own process – and we did not do it for him, we did it for ourselves and for all life on Earth.

Bernard提出了很多想法,然後我們把這些想法發展成工具,例如DIP Pro課程和DIP Lite課程——但我們每個人都走過了自己的進程——我們這樣做不是為了他,而是為了我們自己,為了地球上所有的生命。

They say you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink – Bernard showed us where the water is, but each of us made our own choice to stand and live the principles of Desteni, Equal Money, Living Income Guaranteed etc.


We must now prove to the world that Bernard was no “guru” – that we are entirely capable of standing without him, and growing ourselves and the group.










The Elite are in the Process of collapsing the Money-System through Oil, for the purposes of Population-control as ‘part of’ the Procedure to manifest a One-World-System and re-insert a ‘new Money-System’ for the One-World-System – once the Population is within a satisfied statistical amount.


Due to the amount of human beings on Earth – the current Money-System cannot sustain or function within and through the means of control, having absolute control over and of human beings, and because absolute control over and of human beings doesn’t exist: No One-World-System is Possible.


Thus – to have a One-World-System with a functionally-controlled money-system wherein all human beings within the One-World-System is ‘accounted-for’ within absolute control = the Population is required to be reduced exponentially.

因此,為了產生一個配有一個有效控制力的金錢系統的統一世界系統(在這個系統中,所有的人類都在絕對的控制中被“核算”) = 人口數量需要被指數式的減少。

Now, the Elite prefer not to utilize War;


;as the only extreme that’ll reduce Population to the extent where it’s required to be reduced to manifest a One-World-System = is Nuclear War, and the consequence of Nuclear War as the ‘after-effect’ is much more damaging and ‘on top of that’ – they want to ‘preserve the Earth itself’ and not have to venture into unnecessary destructive-means.


The Elite has patience and is willing to ‘wait out’ the population-reduction reducing-plan – through collapsing the Money-System, collapsing countries through the Oil-situation = as is currently in Process.


When enough human beings die due to the consequence of the collapse of the money-system and countries itself – a One-World-System will come to the fore with a One-World-Money-System,

當足夠多的人因為金錢系統和國家本身的崩潰而死亡時—— 一個統一世界系統就會與一個全球一統的金錢系統一起被帶出來,

wherein there will be no ‘individual countries operating independently’ both with regards to ‘rule/power and money itself’ = rule/power and money will be ‘one for all’.


Now, the other reason, also why the Collapse of the Money-System is being done through the Oil-situation – is to specifically ‘take control of/ takeover countries’.

現在,另一個原因,為什麼金錢系統的崩潰是通過石油局勢來實現的—— 是特意的,為了“控制/接管國家”。

The Elite has communicated with the countries with regards to their current position in relation to the world/earth itself in wanting to manifest a One-World-System – the countries refused to submit to the Elite’s request/demand and thus the Elite stated that if they won’t be given the countries = they’ll simply take the countries by force – and

精英已經與國家們溝通過了,涉及那些國家當前,在統一世界系統的實現過程中的,在世界/地球上的定位。對於拒絕屈服精英的請求/要求的國家,精英表明如果他們不願意交出國家 = 精英將會使用武力接管。

most of those countries are the primary countries that produce/function with Oil and will thus use their only ‘asset’ against themselves.


The Elite want these countries to stop producing/functioning with Oil – as to attempt to ‘preserve the amount of Oil left within the Earth itself’ = of which there is not much at the moment, in the ‘hope’ that the Earth will ‘reproduce’ oil, by leaving the little left within the Earth that there is currently available.

精英希望這些國家停止生產石油或停止依靠石油運作——他們試圖保存地球內部的剩餘的石油 = (*精英認為)石油當前並不多了,他們“希望”,地球將會“重新產生”石油,藉由保留當前地球內還能開採的那一點石油。

。So, the Elite want to stop Oil-production countries – sucking oil from the earth – as to preserve the Oil left in the Earth, of which there is not much and they are aware of this and to take-over,


as in to ‘own’ the countries itself – collapse the money-system through doing so and waiting for the population to reduce itself within this catastrophe taking place. ——

在接管石油國家之後 – 以此來令金錢系統崩潰,並等待人口在這場災難中減少。

Once the population is satisfactorily reduced – they’ll manifest the One-World-System, with the New One-World-Money-system, together with utilizing Oil-reserves to sustain the New-System for three-years = wherein they hope during this time,


from now ‘till when the One-World-System is successfully operational = the Earth will reproduce enough Oil to sustain their Empire through producing Oil from the Earth itself.

他們希望,從這裡開始直到統一世界系統成功運行的這段期間 = 地球能重新產生出足夠的石油來讓他們開採以維持他們的帝國。

Understand, that there exist ‘Reserve-Oil’ in barrels – specifically to sustain the One-World-System for three-years – they’d hoped that when the three-years are done = the Earth would’ve reproduced enough Oil to once again produce Oil from the Earth itself.


The One-World-System will have population-regulation – wherein there will only be a certain amount of human beings allowed on Earth within the One-World-System.


This is the Elite’s current consideration for the Future of the their World = and they have the patience to see this through, as according to them = Man is his own worst enemy and this the only way, according to them, to preserve the continued existence of human beings together with Earth = without destroying the Earth to such an extent = where Man becomes extinct along with the only planet it can exist within.

這是精英們目前對他們的世界的未來的考量 = 而他們有耐心等待這個(*計劃)完成。根據他們所言,人類自身就是人類最大的敵人。



 爬蟲人的仁慈1~5集中文影片播放清單 Desteni呈獻:爬蟲人的仁慈(第1集)2009年8月5日                 ...